Politicians praise the Kingdom’s role and call for an Arab alliance to solve the Syrian issue

publisher: اليوم

AUTHOR: سامي عثمان

Publishing date: 2012-03-06


Experts in political science and international relations have emphasized that the role of the Gulf will serve as a crucial starting point in finding a secure pathway to resolve the Syrian issue. They have highlighted that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries should determine the appropriate approach to assist the Syrian opposition, steering clear of Western interventions that prioritize external interests over Arab interests. Simultaneously, they have called for the formation of an Arab alliance akin to NATO to address both Arab and Syrian challenges.

The main question for politicians in the Arab world, spanning from the ocean to the Gulf, revolves around their perception of the Syrian conflict and the Russian veto, as well as their aspirations. The Gulf holds a deep significance for Syria.?



on his part, believes that all segments of the Syrian people are hoping for three strong and realistic positions to save the Syrian people and overthrow the regime of killing and tyranny. He explains that:

The first of these positions is the formation of an international military coalition to rescue the Syrian people. He points out that after a year of killings and destruction in Syria, along with the failure of Arab and international political initiatives, and the escalating number of martyrs, it becomes evident that Bashar Al-Assad, the serial killer who receives strong support from Russia and Iran, will continue his crimes. Therefore, a new approach needs to be considered.

Khaddam further states that the second crucial decision Syrians dream of is to directly provide military and financial aid to the Free Army, without relying on civilian organizations that may use funds for political manipulation. He emphasizes that everyone should acknowledge the Free Army’s vital role. Denying the truth would be unjust to the Syrian people. The Free Army consists of honorable soldiers who have refused to harm their fellow citizens. They are doing their best to protect the people within their capabilities. However, they are unable to confront the regime’s tanks, artillery, and missiles due to the regime’s overwhelming force in all areas of operation.


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