Khaddam said in a letter to the Syrian people on Wednesday, received by United Press International, “The participation of the National Coalition or any Syrian party in the name of the opposition will have serious repercussions leading to further complicating the situation in Syria.
” He warned that “any participation that goes beyond the goals of the revolution and its struggle for change and the establishment of a civil democratic state where citizens are equal in rights and duties will be extremely dangerous.
” Khaddam added that “opposition parties wishing to participate in the (Geneva 2) conference will not be able to achieve what the Syrians aspire to, as the two states sponsoring the conference are not aiming to overthrow the regime, but rather the participation of some opposition figures in the government.
” He accused Russia and the United States of “ignoring the goals of the Syrian people in liberation, overthrowing the regime, and holding perpetrators of murder, genocide, and humiliation accountable.
” Khaddam called on the Syrian opposition to “work towards holding a comprehensive national conference for all Syrian opposition parties committed to working towards overthrowing the regime, unifying forces, efforts, and goals on the basis of saving Syria, protecting its people, overthrowing the regime, and building an authority derived from the people.”