Khaddam criticized Sharia’s statements, his objective is to sever relations with Arab nations and strengthen ties with Iran.

publisher: المصري اليوم

Publishing date: 2007-08-20


Former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam condemned the statements made by Syrian Vice President Farouk al-Sharaa, considering them part of a policy aimed at severing Syria’s ties with the Arab system and strengthening its connection to Iran’s regional strategy.

Khaddam stated in an interview with the Saudi newspaper “Al-Watan” on Sunday that “targeting Saudi Arabia is linked to Iran’s regional strategy, and the role of the Syrian regime in this strategy is defined by launching a campaign against the Kingdom and its leaders, considering that the Kingdom, due to its Arab and international position, represents one of the main obstacles to Iranian interests in the region.”

He emphasized that “Syria is currently ruled by a ruling clique that has disrupted constitutional institutions, spread corruption in the country, and instilled fear in the hearts of citizens through repression and the imposition of a state of emergency.”

Khaddam added that “the Syrian people face two scenarios: the first is to rid themselves of the ruling clique and build a state of law and institutions where citizens are equal in rights and responsibilities, regardless of religion, sect, ethnicity, or gender. In this scenario, Syria would regain its status in both the Arab and international arenas and continue on a path of progress and advancement.”

He continued, “The second scenario, under the continued rule of this regime, would see the Syrian people’s suffering increase, poverty escalate, unemployment spread, economic crises intensify, corruption corrode the state, and repression persist. The danger lies in the growth of extremism in response to the regime’s extremism, which could turn Syria into another Iraq. In short, the continuation of the regime means the loss of Syria.”

Khaddam also pointed out that “the ruling authority in Syria is not amenable to correction due to its dictatorial nature, which generates behavior that contradicts the interests of the Syrian people. There is no solution with this regime, and the task of the Syrians is to strengthen national unity, solidarity, overcome fear, and focus efforts on achieving change.”

Regarding the situation in Lebanon, Khaddam stated, “In any case, I am prepared to engage in discussions with any Lebanese, Syrian, Arab, or international party regarding the situation in Lebanon from the time Syrian forces entered until I left the Lebanese file.” He criticized the security-oriented approach taken by the Syrian regime towards Lebanon and emphasized the importance of respecting Lebanese political institutions and upholding Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty.

Khaddam concluded by saying, “Change in Syria is inevitable, and the people who suffer from repression and persecution under a policy of discrimination, exclusion, and isolation, while being deprived of their livelihood and job opportunities, will not tolerate this regime.”


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