“Khaddam establishes a temporary leadership for ‘Al-Baath,’ presenting a new intellectual vision to the party members.”

publisher: المستقبل

Publishing date: 2007-06-16


The media office of Abdul Halim Khaddam reported that the former Vice President of Syria has reached an agreement with influential leaders from within and outside Syria to establish a temporary leadership for the “Baath” party in Syria. This leadership has put forward a new vision for the party’s ideology and approach, presenting it to Baathists for study and feedback. Their comments and suggestions will be used to finalize the vision and present it at the party’s first conference.

The temporary leadership stated in a message to Baathists, “We are firmly convinced that changing the nature of the existing regime in Syria has become a national duty for all Baathists to participate in, alongside other people’s forces, to liberate the country and save it from a corrupt and oppressive rule. Our goal is to build a democratic civil state based on the principles of equal rights for citizens regardless of religion, sect, ethnicity, or gender. We aim to achieve justice, uphold the rule of law, promote equal opportunities, protect public and individual freedoms, and prevent the concentration of power.”

The leadership also emphasized that the development of the party’s ideology and approach “places Baathists at a historical crossroads, with two choices: the first is to liberate the mind and will, rise above personal interests, and formulate a comprehensive vision that sets the party on the path to achieving its goals. The second is the path of stagnation and clinging to inaction, leading to the party’s demise and bearing historical responsibility for the situation in Syria, Iraq, and the repercussions of these situations on the stability and security of the nation.”

They emphasized that the new vision project for the Baath ideology addresses “the party’s stance on several key issues, including the Arab unity, the concept of the nation, freedom, democracy, socialism, modernity, and globalization.”

The temporary leadership called on Baathists to “organize small groups of party members who recognize the danger of the ruling family’s continued control over the state and the party. They should then work on expanding their organizations and spreading them throughout the country, preparing to collaborate with popular and political forces in the transitional phase to achieve peaceful change and build a civil democratic state.”

They stated, “We must all realize that our national, party, and ethical responsibilities require us to transition from a state of hesitation, stagnation, and suffering to a state of motivation to break this regime… So that our people can be liberated from suffering, oppression, and tyranny and regain their capabilities to work towards liberating our homeland and ensuring the national rights of our Palestinian brethren. It is also about enhancing integration and solidarity among Arab countries and their peoples so that the Arab nation can regain its role and be capable of protecting its land, securing its resources, and asserting its position on the international stage.”


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