Khaddam in a message to the Syrians: Through its temporary nuclear agreement with the major powers, Iran has succeeded in covering its crimes in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, and its threats to the security of the Arab countries in the Gulf.

publisher: المكتب الاعلامي للسيد عب الحليم خدام khaddam press office

AUTHOR: عبد الحليم خدام

Publishing date: 2013-11-25


Iran and Russia have succeeded in changing the international approach towards the ruling regimes in Syria and Iran. Iran has transformed from an enemy of the United States to a partner in a sensitive issue for the international community. It dropped the slogan it had carried since the time of Khomeini, “America, the Great Satan,” turning the so-called Great Satan into an active partner in an internal issue in Iran, while remaining important for the international community.

Iran has successfully used its temporary nuclear agreement with major powers to cover its crimes in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and its threats to the security of Arab countries in the Gulf.

This agreement has affirmed the roles of Russia and Iran in the region at the expense of Arab interests, putting the region in a stage that will become more dangerous. The international community’s evasion of its responsibility towards the Syrian people, coupled with Iran’s domination of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, using sectarianism, especially in Arab and Islamic countries with Shiite communities, will likely lead to increased extremism.

I appeal to Arab countries concerned with the Syrian situation to take the following steps in supporting the Syrian opposition:

  1. Call for a national conference inviting all factions of the Syrian opposition, armed and unarmed, committed to overthrowing the murderous regime. This unity is the only path to bring down the regime and liberate Syria from Iranian influence.

2 . I call on our Arab brothers concerned with the Syrian situation to provide quality weapons and humanitarian aid, enabling the opposition to drain the murderous regime’s resources and overthrow it. This way, Iranian influence can be expelled from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.

Finally, I ask Allah to help our people and inspire us all to make the right choices.
