Former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, who resides in his Parisian exile, informed “Le Nouvelle Observer” magazine that individuals close to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad had stolen over 20 billion dollars in Lebanon and Syria. Khaddam revealed to the French magazine that “within presidential circles, the amount of money pilfered in Lebanon and Syria surpasses 20 billion dollars.”
Regarding the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, for which Damascus’ agents are accused, the former Syrian official asserted that he had repeatedly advised Hariri to depart from Lebanon.
He further stated, “Ten days prior to his assassination, I met Hariri in Beirut and advised him to submit his resignation and depart abroad.” Hariri responded, “I have upcoming elections, I cannot.” Khaddam continued, “The elections were nearing, and Hariri, who was aligned with the opposition, repeatedly emphasized that ‘Lebanon cannot rule against Syria but cannot rule from within Syria.’ That statement ultimately led to his demise.”