Khaddam: Syria will not deal with any American ruler in Iraq.

publisher: بي بي سي BBC

Publishing date: 2003-02-26


Abdul Halim Khaddam, the former Vice President of Syria, stated on Wednesday that Syria will not deal with any American ruler expected to be installed in Baghdad following the ousting of President Saddam Hussein.

Khaddam told the Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh, “I believe there is no Arab with dignity who will deal with foreign occupation forces.”

Khaddam called for postponing the date of the Arab Summit, scheduled for early March, to March 14, allowing Iraq to cooperate better with weapons inspectors. He argued that if the conference is held before that date, it may lead to further disagreements among Arab nations.

Syrian media reported that the United States is seeking to reshape the Middle East in line with American economic dominance and further Israeli occupation of Arab lands.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell stated last Thursday that the ousting of Saddam Hussein and his regime could lead to a positive reshaping of the Middle East for the United States and its allies.

Syria, the only non-permanent Arab member of the UN Security Council, announced that it will vote against the draft resolution presented by the United States and Britain.

Abdul Halim Khaddam, who is attending the Non-Aligned Movement conference, said, “There is no justification for presenting a new draft resolution. The inspectors are performing their duties in implementing Resolution 1441.”

He added, “This is why we do not agree with the draft resolution.”

When asked if Syria would oppose the second resolution, Khaddam replied, “Naturally.”

Syria had participated in the coalition forces that expelled Iraq from Kuwait in 1991. Since then, it has improved relations with Iraq, although it voted in favor of Resolution 1441 last November, calling on Iraq to disarm its weapons of mass destruction or face serious consequences.

Syria stated that its current vote aims to avoid a war on Iraq.

Khaddam stated, “The United States has only succeeded in alienating people worldwide. The policy of power can destroy and kill, but it cannot bring peace.”

Khaddam told the Non-Aligned Movement conference, “Those who seek war should read history carefully. Aggressive force must be defeated.”

He added, “The goal of the war is to redraw the interests of the Middle East to ensure the interests of the United States. This is very dangerous because it threatens the sovereignty and independence of countries, which are UN member states.”

Khaddam warned of further extremism resulting from a war on Iraq.


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