khaddam :”You will soon witness Bashar Al-Assad behind bars.”

publisher: السياسة

Publishing date: 2006-06-09


“I didn’t leave Syria spontaneously… I laid down solid foundations for democratic change.”

During our meeting in his suite at the famous Dorchester Hotel in London the day before yesterday, former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam appeared as a confident man. According to him, he said, “I don’t want to take any incomplete steps that might lead to failure, especially because the current regime in Damascus is inevitably heading towards downfall, as it has lost all the elements that would sustain its existence and continuity.” In a conversation with “Al-Siyasah,” Khaddam outlined a “roadmap” for dealing with the ongoing Syrian crisis, highlighting four red lines that should not be crossed in the media war declared against the Bashar al-Assad regime and the “corrupt family” of the “National Salvation Front” leaders. These lines are as follows:

  1. Neutralizing the “Baath” Party in Syria from the battle against the regime, as most of the party members are suffering just like the Syrian people.
  2. Neutralizing the army and separating it from that war because it is the “people’s army” and its responsibilities lie in protecting the nation and its people, not protecting the corrupt and destructive.
  3. Neutralizing the Alawite sect, which is also suffering from the regime that claims to represent it falsely, and is a victim of the corrupt family’s actions. This family is working to create turmoil in the country through what it alleges and promotes about targeting the Alawite sect. Khaddam noted that efforts are being made to make the Alawite sect a partner in democratic change and in rebuilding the country through the creation of a modern democratic civil state based on plurality, rotation, and institutionalization, with parliamentary elections that are free, without exceeding any religious, sectarian, or ethnic group.
  4. He emphasized that their consistent policy is to focus on internal Syrian matters without paying attention to external matters, in order not to give the Bashar al-Assad regime the pretext to label them as being backed by the U.S. tank forces, because they are already strong with the Syrian people and the Syrian army. He stated, “We don’t need any tank to carry us to Damascus.”

When asked about his call in the “Final Statement of the Founding Conference of the National Salvation Front in Syria” to the Syrian Armed Forces to “assume their national and historical responsibilities towards the nation and the people,” and what percentage within the military institution can realistically stand with the people against the existing family regime, he answered, “I didn’t leave Syria spontaneously like that, without having laid down solid foundations for what we are going to do.” Khaddam stressed that members of the armed forces are sons of the suffering people and they feel the pain of their families and empathize with their suffering. He confirmed that the next step is to send delegations from the National Salvation Front and its allies to the international and Arab worlds to “explain the conditions that the Syrian people are enduring and reveal the regime’s crimes against them.” He pointed out that the regime is using all means of oppression and violence against the Syrians, violating laws, norms, and international agreements that guarantee people’s rights in human rights law.

Regarding his call in the “Final Statement of the Front” last Monday for the Syrian people to “break the barriers of fear that the regime has instilled over decades,” Khaddam reiterated that this repressive family regime is now on the brink of collapse, and Syrians should no longer fear it. When asked about his statement that he will be “returning to Damascus soon,” Khaddam concluded our 45-minute conversation within the doors of his suite on the third floor of the hotel, guarded by five companions who were scrutinizing those entering with their electronic devices, saying, “You will soon see Bashar al-Assad behind bars.”


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