Syria and Iran call for a sovereign Iraqi government

publisher: اليوم Alyaoum

Publishing date: 2003-10-01


Iranian President Mohammad Khatami emphasized the necessity of ending the American and British occupation of Iraq, calling for the formation of a government with popular sovereignty in that country. During his meeting with Syrian Vice President Abdel-Halim Khaddam in Tehran, Khatami stated that ending the occupation would be in the interest of all countries in the region, including the occupiers themselves. He called on the United Nations to play a central role in regional issues. The Iranian president acknowledged Syria’s role in the region and the Palestinian issue, stating that peace based on justice can only be achieved by ensuring the legitimate rights of Palestinians and ending the occupation of lands in the region.

Describing the existing economic and trade relations between the two countries as good, Khatami emphasized the need for serious follow-up to implement bilateral agreements. On his part, Khaddam confirmed that Damascus is working towards national unity, ending the occupation, and forming a government with popular sovereignty in Iraq. He stressed the importance of exchanging views and cooperation between the two countries regarding regional concerns.


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