The Syrian National Salvation Front called on the opposition to overthrow what it referred to as the policies of guardianship,

publisher: القدس العربي

Publishing date: 2006-04-07


The Syrian National Salvation Front called on the opposition to overthrow what it referred to as the policies of guardianship, exclusion, and eradication in their country and to establish a society of equality. In a statement distributed yesterday in London on the occasion of Syria’s Independence Day, the Front said that the dawn of liberation calls for Syria to be for all its sons, and for the Syrian individual to be a free, honorable, and sovereign person who achieves and excels, and restores the country’s status on the map of civilization and glory.

The Front added that those who made the 17th of April an accomplishment wanted this great achievement to be a true gateway for the liberation of the homeland and the liberation of the individual, and to position Syria as a pioneering Arab and national development project that achieves accomplishments and moves the homeland and the nation from decline to peak, based on what the pioneers of renaissance presented in the revolution against injustice, tyranny, and domination.

However, the opposition National Salvation Front pointed out that some adventurers, with claims and pretensions, have kidnapped the freedom of our people and occupied their will, as the Gazis did to his land and the High Commissioner did to his decision. These adventurers have wasted the sacrifices of ancestors and fathers and have moved us all to an era of humiliation and submission. The people of Syria have become victims of policies of oppression, humiliation, and impoverishment. And today, this individual, as depicted by the President of the Republic, has become a manipulated puppet after the despots sought to erase his identity and suppress his aspirations.

The Front also stated that just as the first liberation was the result of will, unity, and sacrifices, today we are required to take the same path to create a new dawn of liberation for our people, our children, and our grandchildren. In this new dawn, the will of the individual will be liberated, his potentials will be unleashed, and the seat of responsibility will be transformed into a seat of sacrifice, not a position for domination and exploitation.

The Front emphasized that liberation is not about the colonizer leaving our land, leaving behind among our people those who rob our will, plunder our resources, and subject us to severe torment. True liberation is when the citizen’s will is liberated, and he expresses his opinion without fear of a despotic ruler or oppressive security apparatus. It is when there is not a single political prisoner in the homeland, and when all citizens are equal in rights and duties.

It should be noted that the Syrian National Salvation Front was formed last month in Brussels, consisting of opposition figures, including former Vice President of Syria Abdul Halim Khaddam and the General Observer of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Sadreddine al-Bayanouni, with the aim of changing the regime peacefully in Syria.


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