PLENARY MEETING Friday, 5 February 1982, at 3.15 p.m
President: Mr. Ismat T. KITTANI (Iraq)
AGENDA ITEM 5 The situation in the occupied Arab territories
The PRESIDENT: As representatives will recall, the debate on the item was concluded this morning. There- fore, I shall now call on those delegations which have expressed their desire to speak in explanation of vote before the vote. I would remind representatives that explanations of vote are limited to 10 minutes and should be made from their places
The President : The representative of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Foreign Minister, has asked to make a statement at this juncture and 1 call on him to do so.
Mr. KHADDAM (Syrian Arab Republic) on from Arabic): I wish with all my heart to thank the representatives of Governments who participated In ensuring the adoption of this historic resolution and who have therefore contributed to a great event in the life of the Organization.
it We have accomplished the following today: first, has been confirmed that the overwhelming majority of States support peace and freedom; secondly, it has been confirmed that the majority of States reject all Practices policies and acts that violate the rights of peoples, their sovereignty and dignity, and the majority of States have confirmed that such acts cannot take place without deterrence by the Organization; thirdly, hegemony, domination and racism have failed, the will of the people has triumphed and their right to freedom and sovereignty has been confirmed.
I also wish to extend my thanks to those who abstained in the vote. They have refused to be on the side of oppression and aggression; we understand the reason for their abstention and we appreciate it.
I wish to express my gratitude and thanks for the great support provided by the United Nations to my country, on its struggle to liberate and recover its sovereignty over Its occupied land. I also want to express my thanks for Its defense of Arab rights, and to wish the Organization further success in strengthening its Charter and its principles.