Khaddam: The non-intervention of the world will turn Syria into an Iranian colony

publisher: العربية نت

Publishing date: 2013-05-03


The former Syrian Vice President, Abdel Halim Khaddam, stated in an interview with Al-Arabiya channel that the ongoing massacres in the Syrian coast aim to displace minorities, including Sunnis, in preparation for establishing a sectarian state. These massacres, which are currently taking place, are among the most serious atrocities since the beginning of the Syrian revolution. Unlike previous incidents committed by the army, these are perpetrated by regime shabiha belonging to the Alawite sect. Bashar Al-Assad’s objective is to fuel sectarian conflict and pave the way for a state on the Syrian coast, without realizing the devastating consequences for the Syrian people.

Regarding the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime against civilians, Khaddam pointed out that the international community is well aware of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapon usage. However, he manipulates evidence to evade responsibility. This raises the question: Why are chemical weapons prohibited? Isn’t their purpose to kill people in large numbers? Shouldn’t the killing of hundreds of Syrians by the regime’s shabiha be considered as grave as the use of chemical weapons? Khaddam further asks whether killing through conventional means, such as firearms, airstrikes, and missile attacks, is deemed acceptable, while killing with chemical weapons is deemed illegal. He also highlights that certain countries, including the United States, express concerns about minority rights and fear of regime oppression. Yet, did Bashar Al-Assad not commit mass murders of minorities on the Syrian coast using the shabiha from his own sect to exterminate those in the north? Consequently, Syria’s future is under severe threat. The regime aims to cleanse Sunnis from the coast, but its pursuit of this goal will only result in its own demise.

Khaddam issued a warning against Syria falling under the control of Iran and Hezbollah. According to him, Iran seeks to transform Syria into its colony, utilizing all its material and military capabilities, and deploying its military experts to serve Bashar al-Assad. This is similar to the active involvement of Hezbollah forces, who have been fighting alongside Assad’s forces and the Shabbiha for an extended period.

He urged the international community, particularly the United States, to provide weapons to the Syrian people. However, he emphasized the importance of supplying qualitative weaponry instead of deploying the American army. Khaddam believed that with access to weapons, the Syrian people have the ability to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. By doing so, America would fulfill its international and humanitarian duty as the largest country responsible for global safety and stability.

Addressing concerns about the potential misuse of weapons by dishonest extremist groups within the Syrian opposition, Khaddam minimized such fears. He argued that the real concerns lie in the regime’s extensive arsenal. He questioned why there is excessive focus on the possible leakage of light weapons here and there, without mentioning the vast quantity of Russian weaponry reaching Bashar al-Assad’s regime on a daily basis. It is worth noting that discussions often revolve around individual guns or firearms being supplied to the Free Army.

He highlighted that the factors contributing to the rise of extremism in Syria include the lack of support for the Free Army with weapons and the disregard for the demands of the Syrian people and the opposition. He emphasized that the death toll resulting from the incursion of Assad forces into the al-Bayda area and rural Banias has exceeded 700.

Khaddam commended the Free Army for their successful operations, but he emphasized that the extent of their achievements hinges on the quality of the weapons that major powers are expected to provide. He found it unreasonable to expect the Free Army to be decisive when they lack adequate weaponry, while the regime possesses a large army, deadly weapons, an Air Force, and the oppressive force of the heavily armed Shabbiha.

It is worth noting that the US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, stated on Thursday that the Obama administration is once again discussing the possibility of arming the Syrian opposition forces in their fight against Assad’s forces.


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