A draft resolution presented by the Syrian Foreign Minister to the Conference of Arab Foreign Ministers in Baghdad (11/1/1978)

publisher: الوثائق الفلسطينية العربية لعام 1978

Publishing date: 1978-11-01


Draft resolution presented by the Syrian Foreign Minister to the Arab Foreign Ministers Conference.

First – The interim goal of the Arab nation:

1 – Complete liberation of all Arab territories occupied in the 1967 aggression and no relinquishing or conceding any part of them or compromising their national sovereignty.

2 – Liberation of the city of Jerusalem and refusal to accept any situation that undermines the complete Arab sovereignty over the holy city.

3 – Commitment to restoring the steadfast national rights of the Palestinian Arab people, including their right to return, self-determination on their land, and building their independent state.

4 – The issue of Palestine is the issue of all Arabs, and no Arab party is allowed to waive this commitment, as affirmed by the resolutions of the comprehensive Arab summit conferences.

5 – The Palestine Liberation Organization is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian Arab people.

6 – Restoring the strategic balance between the forces of confrontation and the Israeli enemy.

Second – The principles upon which Arab joint action is based:

1 – Strengthening the self-reliance of Arab countries militarily, economically, and politically.

2 – Enhancing Arab solidarity around the interim goals of Arab struggle and considering responsibility as collective, rejecting any attempt to act unilaterally in decision-making or positions.

3 – Strict adherence to the Arab Joint Defense Pact.

4 – The collective Arab commitment to achieving Arab goals and adapting their various economic, military, international, and cultural policies in light of this commitment.

Third – In the political field:

Based on the commitment to the resolutions of Arab summit conferences and the Charter of the Arab League, and recognizing the importance of international work to gain allies, expose the enemy, and provide broad global support for the just struggle waged by the Arabs, the conference decides the following:

A – Utilizing the United Nations and its institutions to expose the Israeli enemy and issue more resolutions regarding the Palestinian issue and Zionist aggression against the Arab nation, which would politically and media-wise isolate Israel from the global public opinion. It aims to attempt to obtain more effective measures to expose Israeli maneuvers and its refusal to implement the resolutions of international organizations, highlighting this before the global public opinion and holding it responsible for obstructing efforts towards establishing a just peace.

B – Utilizing all international and regional conferences and organizations to support our just struggle.

Fourth – In the military field:

1 – Restoring military balance between the Israeli enemy and the confronting forces of Syria, Jordan, and Palestine.

2 – Securing the needs for each front, with these commitments being distributed annually.

Fifth – Position on the Camp David Accords:

The conference has deeply studied the Camp David Accords and the circumstances under which they were signed.

Expressing deep regret and concern over the Egyptian president’s unilateral decision regarding a common Arab issue, in violation of the Charter of the Arab League, the Treaty of Joint Defense, and the resolution of the Arab League Council issued in early April 1950 and the resolutions of Arab summit conferences, the conference decides the following:

1 – Condemnation of the Camp David Accords and rejection of all their consequences.

2 – Suspension of all forms of dealing with the Egyptian government, cessation of financial and economic aid to it, and severance of political and economic relations.

3 – Revocation of the membership of the Egyptian government in the Arab League.

4 – Transfer of the headquarters of the Arab League and its offices and Arab organizations from Cairo to Tunis.

5 – Application of boycott laws to all Egyptian institutions and individuals dealing with the Israeli enemy.

Seventh – Follow-up on Implementation:

1 – Formation of a committee of foreign ministers of Arab countries tasked with monitoring the implementation of these decisions.

2 – The Arab Economic Council convenes to take measures to implement economic boycott resolutions within two weeks.


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