A message to the Baathists and the youth of Syria from the interim leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Syria

publisher: وكالات Agencies

Publishing date: 2007-10-17

In the midst of successive events and developments that reveal the extent of the dangers threatening Syria, did you not wonder how the Israeli aircraft arrived in Deir ez-Zor and bombed some sites, and the bombing was preceded by what some Western newspapers published about the arrival of a command group to the region a few days ago?

Didn't you wonder how an explosion occurred in the Al-Muslimiya area on the outskirts of Aleppo, which was attributed to the heat of the air while it was the result of an air strike?

Didn't you wonder about the continuous violation of Syrian airspace by Israeli aircraft for years? And the aggression in the Deir ez-Zor region was not the first of its kind. It was preceded by an aggression against the village of Al-Sahib near Damascus years ago?

Did you ask Bashar al-Assad about the Israeli aircraft flying over the presidential palace in Latakia?
Have you asked him why he does not reveal the facts to the Syrian people and is satisfied with the phrase, “We will respond at the appropriate time”?

Didn't your attention catch the statement of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a few days after the bombing, when he said that I respect the President of Syria and his policy?

Didn't your attention catch the attention of the Israelis on the continuation of Bashar al-Assad's regime and on exerting pressure to protect it?

In our letter to you, we provide a clear explanation of the real reasons for the state of weakness and helplessness that Syria suffers from

Peoples advance, rise, protect their homeland, and preserve their dignity if the following factors are present:
National unity - freedom - justice - economic prosperity - security

In the absence of these factors, or the absence of some of them, the conditions of the people are disturbed, their balance is disturbed, and they become weak and backward

First - national unity

In light of the monopoly of power and the adoption of a policy of isolation, exclusion, discrimination, and the abolition of political life, repression becomes an alternative to the people’s role in choosing governance institutions, and corruption becomes a normal state in the absence of popular oversight and the absence of democracy.
In such a situation, a feeling of isolation grows between the people and their rulers, and deadly diseases emerge in society, such as sectarianism, tribalism, and ethnic, religious, and familial fanaticism.

When the party leadership relies in forming the lower party institutions and in forming the government on the principle of representing sectarian and tribal segments, and when it adopts the same standards in the elections to the People’s Assembly, popular organizations, and professional unions, does all of this not constitute an indication of what national unity has led to in Syria?

All Baathists know how sectarianism and tribalism moved in the atmosphere of party elections and the People's Assembly elections

If the erosion is in the structure of party, popular and professional organizations, how is it in the structure of society?
The most dangerous thing is what Bashar al-Assad and his family resorted to in an attempt to arouse fear and anxiety among the Alawite sect by claiming that change will cause severe damage to the sect and thus calling on it to support his regime. In doing so, he mobilizes sectarianism among other sects, which constitute the overwhelming majority, and thus Bashar al-Assad puts Syria on the path to loss.

The most dangerous thing that individual regimes produce is to weaken national unity and thus weaken the country

The absence of national culture and the development of loyalty to the homeland and replacing it with a culture of reverence for the individual and loyalty to him was one of the causes of national rift.

When citizens do not feel that they are partners in the nation, a gap arises between them and the authority
Secondly - the issue of freedom

Freedom is one of the natural characteristics of man, and withholding it hinders his abilities and paralyzes his will. Therefore, the world has considered freedom one of the fundamental rights of man.

Fear of freedom is the worst type of fear. The ruler who is afraid of freedom is imprisoned by his fear of the people, and the people are imprisoned by his fear of tyranny and oppression. In the end, fear creates nothing but poverty, corruption, weakness, and backwardness.

Is there anyone among the Syrians who is not afraid of an intrigue being foisted on him by another, or of the influence of a security officer, and is there anyone among the Syrians who does not feel anxiety and fear of repression and persecution?

Is there anyone among the leaders of the party and other partner parties in the front who dares to express his views or the views of his party?
Is there anyone in popular organizations and professional unions who dares to defend the rights of their organization? Isn’t security present in every office and in every meeting?

In light of all this, can the fearful build their future and strengthen the protection of the homeland?

Third - the issue of justice

Justice is a major indicator of the progress, stability and growth of society. Is there a form of justice in Syria?
Do Syrians feel that their state, its institutions, and its agencies are fair in dealing with them?

Is there anyone in Syria who believes that the judicial institution is fair and just?

Justice means equality of rights and duties among citizens, adopting the principle of equal opportunities, guaranteeing people’s rights, respecting the law, and fighting corruption. Is there any of that in the ruling regime in Syria?

Fourth - the issue of economic prosperity

Economic prosperity is an indicator of the prosperity, progress and advancement of society
Economic prosperity means a decent standard of living for all citizens, available job opportunities, satisfaction in the present, and reassurance in the future. It also means continuous economic development, abundance of production, and an increase in the state’s resources that enable it to provide the basic needs of the people, as well as provide for the requirements of national defense. Economic prosperity is also a major factor in providing Security, stability and reassurance for citizens, which contributes to their intellectual prosperity and their daily comfort
Let us see the economic situation in Syria: deep crises, stagnation in development, weakness in production, decline in state resources, rise in prices, increase in poverty, widespread unemployment, anxiety about the living reality and fear of what the future holds, in addition to widespread corruption from the top of power to below, and a ruling family that is in control. And its partners in institutions and economic activities, its wealth increases and the poverty of the country and its citizens increases

Fifth - the issue of security

There are two types of security
A - Internal Security, and you all know how the security services have turned to practicing oppression, corruption, and blackmailing citizens. It creates an ugly and disturbing picture for the citizen.

In a country whose protectors are thieves, there is no wonder the spread of crimes, especially crimes of theft, robbery, smuggling, prostitution, etc. Isn’t this what worries the Syrians?

B - The issue of national security is an extremely dangerous issue because it is related to protecting and defending the homeland and preserving its dignity and sovereignty

The question is: Is homeland security available?

Are our borders, airspace and waters safe?
We do not hold the armed forces responsible because their situation resulted from the nature of the regime, its corruption, and its internal and external policies.

The first mistake was to consider the army an ideological army, that is, a partisan army. This led to the removal of professional cadres from the armed forces and their replacement by partisan cadres who lacked experience. This was one of the reasons for the defeat of June 1967.

The second mistake resulting from the first mistake is restricting affiliation to military colleges and institutes to both parties, which made affiliation a goal of obtaining a job, and this was reflected in the structure of the army.

Considering the army as an ideological army, that is, a partisan army, means that its priority is its loyalty to the regime and not to the homeland, with all its negative repercussions on the course of the armed forces.
The focus on loyalty to the party then moved to focus on loyalty to the regime and then became loyalty to the president of the regime. All of this created a state of opportunism that led many to rely on opportunism to reach positions they did not deserve. Thus, the opportunists advanced and the competent retreated, under the pretext of loyalty, and all of this was reflected in... The October War did not achieve its goals of liberating the Golan, but rather produced conditions that put the Golan out of place in the regime’s priorities

The regime has made the armed forces lose their professionalism and hierarchy

When a brother of the Commander-in-Chief or a relative of his is stronger than the Minister of Defense, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, and the Chief of Staff, this means that the army has become out of place.
Considering the primary mission of the armed forces to protect the regime is what prompted the regime’s leadership to focus attention on the Republican Guard and the security services and providing their military and social requirements by granting them all the advantages. At the same time, the army units were deprived of basic requirements such as arming, training, and raising morale, in addition to the lack of adequate food availability. As well as dress, the results of this neglect were the decline in training, the spread of a state of indiscipline in the military units, and the absence of large numbers of conscripts from service.
The ruling family, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Armed Forces from 1970 until today, are responsible for the outcome of the situation of the armed forces because they gave priority to their interests at the expense of the interests of the nation, and the armed forces were the most affected by the regime’s practices.

A few years ago, Israeli aircraft carried out an air strike on the village of Ain al-Sahib, near Damascus. Dr. Bashar then called Comrade Abdel Halim Khaddam asking him if he had heard the news of the aggression. He was upset and confused, and he answered him yes. Comrade Abdel Halim Khaddam continued by asking Dr. Bashar al-Assad, “Did you ask the army command how the Israeli aircraft reach... Damascus responded with emotion. I asked them, but they had not heard the news
This incident gives a clear picture of the defensive position of Syria adopted by the dynastic regime

After reviewing the conditions of the country that we referred to in this letter, does it become surprising that the sanctity of the homeland is not violated, that the Golan remains under occupation, and that the regime covers all of this in speeches and slogans of steadfastness and resistance?

O Baathists and the youth of Syria

The nation faces major dangers, the most dangerous of which is the continuation of the corrupt and tyrannical regime. Your responsibility is great in protecting the nation, restoring its immunity, and achieving its advancement and progress.
Oh Baathists

In the name of the Baath Party, the ruling family has committed and is committing these major crimes and mistakes against Syria and its people. It is your responsibility to work to restore the people’s freedom and role through the struggle for change.

Oh Syrian youth

Your struggle to achieve change is a major part of building your future. Struggle to liberate and save Syria and build a state of justice and equality, a democratic state that guarantees freedoms, achieves equality among citizens, ends the country’s economic crises, reforms state agencies and institutions, and achieves the principle of rotation of power.

They fought for the flag of freedom to rise in the skies of Syria

Interim leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party

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