Abdel Halim Khaddam sparks the uprising against the Syrian regime exclusively via the Beirut Observer through a recorded message to the Syrian people

publisher: Beirut obsrver

Publishing date: 2011-03-15


Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, who defected, exclusively addressed the Syrian people through Beirut Observer with a recorded message, urging them to rise against the ruling regime after 41 years of monopolizing power, the country’s wealth, and corruption.

He also called on his Alawite comrades to contribute to the process of change and to close the doors to those who promote fear among the Alawite community.

Khaddam called on Islamic religious figures from various sects to emphasize national unity, eradicate corruption, and act in accordance with the noble saying: “Silence in the face of truth is a silent devil.”

He urged the Syrian youth to take on their responsibilities in working towards peaceful change, liberating the country, and responding to the nation’s call. He emphasized that the continuation of the current regime in power would mean the perpetuation of a grim reality and despair in achieving a prosperous future. He called on them to organize themselves similar to the Tunisian, Egyptian, and Libyan youth to achieve a second liberation.

Khaddam issued an appeal to the Syrian armed forces to fulfill their national role and not slide into involvement against the people. He urged them to return to their basic responsibilities of defending the people and the nation, citing the examples of the Tunisian and Egyptian armies, which protected the people rather than the regime.

He concluded by saying, “Change is coming, and I call on everyone to collaborate and unite to save Syria and establish a state of justice and freedom, respecting human rights, and making the people the source of authority, overseeing and holding it accountable.”


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