Abdel Halim Khaddam: The media does not repeat. Why is "external" not repeated? So that there are not three foreign policies; Syrian, Jordanian and federal. We have experience on the subject of the tripartite union. One of the reasons for our acceptance of a union with Gaddafi, despite his harshness, is to reach a unified political position
Unifying diplomatic representation at home and abroad; A Ministry of Foreign Affairs that practices its policy in the Union State as it is practiced in the Soviet Union, or in the United States of America. If we do not do this, we will see that we do not agree on many matters, and the disagreement will then develop into conflict, contradiction, and destroy everything, and this is normal.
We and Egypt were a union, of which Sadat was the president. If we had united the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, many things would not have happened. Under the union, we differed more than without it. Therefore, my perception of foreign action is that neither Syria nor Jordan should have anything to do with it, but only for the federal state.
The second topic is national security. It has several aspects:
1. The military aspect.
2. The intelligence aspect.
3. Then there is the security of the country within the Union, and thus the security of the Union from internal situations.
As for the military side, there must be one minister and one armed forces command responsible for combat operations, training, organization, and war leadership. Because the number of the army will be large; There can be more than one army, but this army is not linked to the country, but rather to the federal military command. Of course, the military leadership is new and real, and not like the leadership of 1967.
The second aspect, which is intelligence, is responsible for protecting the national security of the Union, and implementing the Union’s policy within the framework of national security internally and externally, meaning that intelligence should have a central body, and have extensions abroad, that puts information before the political leadership, and carries out its orders.
The third aspect is the security of the country or union. If a rebellion occurred in Qatar, and local forces were unable to suppress the rebellion, federal forces would intervene to suppress it. However, each country has its own security forces.
Then there is the media. The goal of the media is linked to two things: foreign policy; And internal policy, that is, building the citizen according to the principles of the union
The media policy is centralized, while implementation is national. Political, educational, and social matters are central, but if we want to encourage the farmer to fight the cotton worm, that must be national.
The mission of economic planning is to achieve economic integration between the two countries. If we look at the Arab world, we will find that each country is planning individually, which will ultimately lead to the deepening of national interests and economic contradictions, and does not lead to integration.
For example, there is a tractor factory in Syria, another one in Iraq, and also in Egypt. Every factory produces for the local market, meaning it cannot develop. However, if there was one Arab factory, the capabilities and expertise would be concentrated, which would ultimately lead to the development of this industry. The same can be said about Syrian fertilizer planning and Jordanian fertilizer planning. That is, a central policy, national implementation, and without interfering in the economic conditions in each country.
Education subject: one educational planning; To develop curricula, unify methods, and preparation methods. Implementation is national based on local considerations in each country. There may come a day when there will be one Ministry of Education for both countries.
In the field of higher education, there is no doubt that it must be one; Because it prepares cadres for the state, and because it needs capabilities. For example, in the field of scientific research, if the effort is united, it will yield good results. We can replace higher education with a single Ministry of Scientific Research.
Who will carry out the Union’s tasks, and who will carry out the national tasks?
Each country has a president, and executive, judicial, and legislative powers in non-federal matters. The principle is that the country's constitutions are compatible with the Union's constitution, and not the other way around.
Federal institutions:
- A federal parliament whose mission is to legislate and monitor the executive authority, and the number of its members shall be equal between the two countries.
- A federal ministry whose mission is the same as that of any ministry in any country.
- The federal government is responsible before the political leadership of the Union (there is a dispute over its formation), and before the Federal Parliament
- A Federal Constitutional Court, which has oversight over the constitutionality of laws and decisions, and adjudicates any disputes between the two countries.
The international character of the Union:
The character of one state, because foreign policy and national security are unified. During the coming years, it is permissible to maintain, in some way, the international personality of each country, such as the Soviet Union (which has three votes in the United Nations General Assembly), such as saying in the constitution: “Every country may conclude agreements with any country, without this conflicting with Constitution of the Union. Because there is difficulty in practice, it can be stated in the constitution that for a certain stage the delegates to the United Nations remain separate, according to what the constitution can remain. There is no state law that regulates it internationally, and we can put it in a way that agrees with the Union
Constitutional aspect:
It can be overcome by submitting a constitution to a popular referendum. The political leadership has the right to appoint the Parliamentary Council for a certain period. As for issues of a procedural nature, they can be addressed until (?) we see non-political obstacles
Major General Al-Khalifawi: As long as the Brotherhood has determined that this is the ultimate goal, then in light of this goal we want to know the Brotherhood’s opinion. In any case, we must return to the two leaders. As for this statement by Abdul Halim Khaddam, it contradicts what was mentioned by Sharif Abdul Hamid.
Sharif Abdel Hamid: Do I understand from this that the country’s constitution must be amended?
Abdel Halim Khaddam: Of course.
Fawzi Al-Kayyali: This work is historic for all of us. If we are able to accomplish it, we, as people and countries, will have achieved a great goal, and it is an inevitable goal. Despite their contradictions and wars, in 1977 the European countries will directly elect representatives who will go to the European Parliament, because within the existing and future conditions of the era, no single country among them can live alone. We, as Arabs, are better than them. For historical honesty, we must work to achieve this goal
Dr. Abdel Salam: There is no doubt that it is an excellent ambition. But there is a fundamental problem, which is that there are 800,000 Palestinians in the East Bank. Do I consider them Jordanians or not? Then there is the West Bank, and the Liberation Organization, which represents the Palestinian people. To what extent do we look at this problem?
Abdel Halim Khaddam: This is true. But we have to see the political problems and solve them. We are performing surgery on the area, so we should not pay attention to how many drops of blood will bleed. There are difficulties, but we must put them before us, discuss them and solve them. The issue of the organization is debatable. When we raised the issue of the Liberation Organization, we did not understand from that that the Palestinian people are distinct. Otherwise, the Palestinian issue would have been similar to the Zimbabwe issue for us. Originally, the Liberation Organization fell when it emptied its doctrine of the national dimension.
Dr. Abdel Salam: But what I am presenting is of a local nature.
Abdel Halim Khaddam: A national decision must be taken, and we will participate with you in it. These matters can be discussed and satisfactory images can be reached
Fawzi Al-Kayyali: Mr. Major General, the Prime Minister called me yesterday, and I was in Zabadani. He said that we would travel to Jordan. Without an oath, we did not talk about any topic, so I can confirm that we are one team. Allow me to disagree with Abdel Halim Khaddam on issues in my mind that do not tolerate controversy. First, I believe that change will occur in the region within a maximum period of five years. I want to record this in my own words: “Either this change will happen by our will, and in the interest of our peoples, or by the will of others, in the interest of our enemies, and against the interest of our peoples and our future.”We face this challenge in a race against time. In order for us to establish a state, certain elements must be present, which history has proven to be necessary. The head of state must be one who is able to make a decision, but if he is a restricted head of the Presidency Council, he cannot do anything. If I want to accept an ambassador's credentials, how can you gather, for example, five presidents to accept them? “If there were gods in them except God, they would be corrupt.” There are matters that this union must take into account; It should add, not subtract, from anyone's gains.
Therefore, I believe that the federal state must have an international personality, and be headed by a single president elected by the population of this federal state.There is a citizen's right to have an opinion about this or that president he elects; So that there is a direct relationship between the citizen and the president. If the president is elected, his deputy or his deputies must also be the other presidents. The state must have its own constitution, and a federal council whose powers are determined and which legislates. The subject of external and internal matters is exclusively the affairs of the federal state, and there is a federal ministry that implements the decisions of the Federal Council.
These are principles. As for what obstacles we will find in its path, we will identify them, and we will determine how to overcome them, and what are the stages that will enable us to reach this goal, according to a program drawn up in light of the circumstances and obstacles.
Abdel Halim Khaddam: Concerning Fawzi’s statement that change is by our will or otherwise, I disagree with him. Because I am starting from the fact that we do not want to unite because this change will happen without our will. Then, as a president with absolute powers, I disagree with you.
Fawzi Al-Kayyali: I did not say that, but rather I said that we will determine the powers. Anyway, this is an opinion.
Abdel Halim Khaddam: There is a difference between a president who interferes in daily decisions, and a state where the decision is taken by a body.
Fawzi Al-Kayyali: I did not address the issue of interference in jurisdictions. I put forward a format, if it is accepted then we will talk about terms of reference
President Mudar Badran: When the issue of the presidency was discussed in Damascus, we said that a presidential council was better. The issue of credentials can be resolved. As an interim measure, we believe that the Council of Presidents meets our requirements. We must not forget that there are historical considerations; If we put the issue of presidents to a referendum, it will not succeed. All our attempts are to deviate from the sensitivities of this topic; We want facilitation, not to create obstacles in front of it. We do not want to create obstacles at the beginning, so as not to disrupt the path to union. For example, the paper presented by Brother Abu Nujoud may be accepted by the Syrian people, because they are accustomed to that. As for us electing a king here, the people are not accustomed to it and denounce it. In republics, a referendum is required, but in monarchies, people find it strange. How would an ordinary person be elected president instead of a king?
Major General Al-Khalifawi: Let us move on from this topic. Because every country has its own circumstances.
Dr. Abdel Salam: The issue can be resolved. The presidency of the Presidency Council may be rotational or convention. This can be discussed later.
President Mudar Badran: There are two points related to “defense” and “foreign affairs.” We want to identify difficulties or pitfalls that may prevent us from moving forward. For defence, organization and training are possible, but armament is a problem.
Abdel Halim Khaddam: This point is resolved. I said that each state has the right to conclude agreements in light of its interests. [The state] can continue to arm itself in light of its circumstances. In any case, there is a difference between weapon diversification and its availability. Perhaps weapon diversification would be beneficial
Major General Khalifawi: Training planning, armament planning, and organization planning are required.
Abdel Halim Khaddam: What I am saying are goals in the constitution, but implementation is guaranteed by law according to capabilities.
Major General Khalifawi: Every country has its own military doctrine. Even the organization differs, as does the formation of the military unit, between Syria and Jordan.
Fawzi Al-Kilani: My question is: Are these acceptable principles?
Major General Khalifawi: Even in education, we are different. There must be a transitional phase.
President Mudar Badran: We will continue the discussion at home