Commenting on the flight of Israeli planes over the presidential palace in Latakia.

publisher: المكتب الاعلامي للسيد عب الحليم خدام

AUTHOR: عبد الحليم خدام

Publishing date: 2006-07-01


Mr. Abdul Halim Khaddam made the following statement:

The Israeli aerial reconnaissance over the Presidential Palace in Latakia, preceded by numerous similar operations in different times and locations across Syria, including the bombing near Ain Al-Saheb near Damascus a few years ago, revealed significant flaws in the structure of the Syrian regime. It also exposed the current state of the country.

National responsibility requires all Syrians to question the reasons behind the deterioration and weakness, the violation of Syrian airspace, and the disregard for its dignity. It also requires an examination of the reasons behind Lebanon’s success in liberating its south, while the Syrian regime fails to regain the occupied Golan Heights and protect its airspace.

The sense of national responsibility compels me to state the following facts and events:

  1. The monopoly of power, the elimination of the role of the people, the confiscation of public and individual freedoms, the use of repression and liquidation through killing or arrest, and the absence of democratic institutions to hold the authorities accountable have led to the collapse of the concept of the state. It has been replaced by the concept of despotic authority. With continued tyranny, oppression, and corruption, Syria has weakened, and its national unity has fractured.

    The absence of democracy and the inability to hold the authorities accountable and monitor them was the main reason for the state of helplessness and suffering experienced by Syria. When the decision-maker remains unaccountable, there are no limits to his mistakes and the damage inflicted on the country.

  2. Replacing the concept of the state with the concept of authority marked a dangerous turning point in modern Syrian history, leading to severe political, economic, and ethical crises in the country.

The departure of those in power to secure their interests at the expense of the nation’s interests played a significant role in the crises facing Syria. These crises led to a decline in growth and progress, a decrease in the standard of living, and a failure to provide for the requirements of national defense.

The major problem facing Syria is that its authority lacks a sense of nationalism, following policies that have burdened the country and weakened its ability to protect itself and defend its rights.

3 – One of the major mistakes committed due to the monopoly of power and the absence of the people’s role was the dangerous decision made after March 8. This decision transformed the army from a national army into an ideological army under the banner of the ideological army.

This decision led to the transformation of the army’s structure, both militarily and culturally. Loyalty to the country was replaced by loyalty to the regime, and later, loyalty to the president.

The consequences of this dangerous decision became apparent in the defeat of June 1967 and the October 1973 war. During these events, military mistakes and facts were covered up by a propaganda campaign declaring victory in a war that no one dared to assess militarily and politically.

The armed forces were indoctrinated with loyalty to the regime, weakening the sense of danger to the homeland. Fear of the president grew due to reports or whispers written by informants.

Moreover, the authorities neglected the issue of developing and equipping the armed forces, putting them in a difficult position. Attention was focused on guard units and security apparatus, neglecting the rest of the military units. Breaking the rules of military discipline resulted in a state of laxity in the armed forces.

In all countries worldwide, the army remains outside the framework of political loyalties, as its loyalty is to the nation. This preserves the state’s ability to protect the homeland and national interests.

4 – Many wonder about the reasons for the success of the resistance in Lebanon in liberating the south, the ongoing occupation of the Golan, and the inability to protect the country’s airspace. The simple answer is that the freedom enjoyed by the Lebanese has given them the ability to support the resistance and bear the burdens of Israeli military operations.

The problem of the Golan is not a priority for the ruling family, as they lack a sense of national responsibility and are indifferent to the danger threatening the nation. For them, the nation is a collection of interests provided by corruption and repression.

5 – Syria will remain threatened on its land, dignity, and security as long as the despotic regime remains oblivious to the facts, unaware of its national responsibilities, and lacking a sense of national belonging. The homeland, in the concept of the ruling authority, is a farm, and there is a significant difference between the sense of belonging to the homeland and the sense of owning the farm.

The Syrian people, in all their political, social, and cultural factions, are now facing a stage that requires all Syrians to preserve their homeland and the future of their country. They must strengthen their national unity and fight to change this despotic and corrupt regime, building a democratic system that can address the crises produced by the authoritarian regime and move towards achieving their national goals.


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