New Delhi
The Government of the Republic of INDIA and The Government of the SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC,
DESIROUS of strengthening the bounds of friendship between their respective countries, and to further their historical relation and consolidate their common civilisation, and to increase co-operation in the various fields of education, culture and art, including academic activities in the field of science and technology,
HAVE decided to conclude the present Agreement and for this purpose have designated the following as their plenipotentiaries :
On behalf of the Government ABDUL HALIM KHADDAM, Of the Syrian Arab Republic Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs |
On behalf of the Government Prof. S. NURUL HASAN, Of the Republic of India Ministry of Education Social Welfare and Culture |
WHO, upon exchange of their credentials, which were found good and in due form,
HAVE AGREED as follows :
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and promote cooperation between their respective countries in various fields of education, culture and arts, including academic activity in the fields of education, culture and arts, including academic activity in the field of science and technology on the basis of reciprocity and in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. They shall also exchange information as to the experience and progress they have achieved in the above mentioned fields.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall promote and stimulate co-operation between educational institutions, universities, academies, schools, technical, scientific and art institutions, research centers, libraries and museums. To achieve this objective, the Contracting Parties shall encourage in accordance with their respective laws and regulations:
- Exchange of visits by individuals and delegations in the fields of culture, education, science and arts;
- Exchange cultural, scientific and educational materials, translation and exchange of books, periodicals, scientific, technical and cultural publications; and copies of manuscripts and documents, and as far as possible exchange of archaeological specimens; and
- Exchange of scientific, cultural, historical, art and school exhibitions.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall encourage :
- Reciprocal visits of teachers, professors of universities and experts for teaching, delivering lectures and organising courses;
- Reciprocal visits of representatives of literary, scientific, technical, art, journalistic institutions, societies and organisations and participation in congresses.
Article 4
Each Contracting Party shall as far as possible, encourage students from the country of the other party for higher studies in pedagogical, cultural, technical and scientific fields.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties shall provide scholarships/fellowships through official channels to enable each other’s students to pursue their studies at different stages and training in the fields of science, technology and humanities.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall try to facilitate the mutual recognition by universities and other educational authorities in the two countries of the degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by them in accordance with the laws prevailing in each country.
Article 7
Each Contracting Party shall supply to the other party information giving correct idea about its way of life and culture for inclusion in the prescribed syllabi.
Article 8
Each Contracting Party shall encourage the study, to the extent possible, of the national language of the other party in its country to enable the nationals of the two States to benefit from their common cultural heritage.
Article 9
Each Contracting Party shall encourage the establishment in its country of cultural centers or friendship associations devoted to the pursuits of educational and cultural activity in other’s country in accordance with the local laws and general policy of each of the two Governments provided prior clearance of the Government concerned is obtained by the two sides before such centres are established.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate exchange in the following fields :
- Performances by artists;
- Participation in International Film Festivals organised by each country; and
- Exchange of films, documentaries, radio and television programmes, recordings, discs and tapes.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation between sports and athletic organizations. They shall also exchange sports teams and organize matches in sports.
Article 12
Each of the Contracting Parties shall, in order to implement the Present Agreement, designate their representatives to draw up, under authority from their Governments, annual or periodical executive programmes.
Article 13
The Present Agreement shall enter into force from the date of exchange of the Instruments of Ratification and shall remain in force unless one of the Contracting Parties notifies the other party of its desire to terminate the Agreement by giving no less than six months notice in advance in writing to the other party.
DONE in New Delhi this Thirteenth day of November, 1975 (A.D.) corresponding to the Twenty second day of Kartika of the Saka year 1897 in two originals each of the Arabic, English and Hindi. In case of doubt the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the Republic of India Sd/- S. NURUL HASAN Minister for Education Social Welfare And Culture |
For the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic Sd/- ABDUL HALIM KHADDAM Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs |