Final statement of the emergency conference of foreign ministers of the National Front for Resistance and Confrontation16\01\1980

publisher: الوثائق الفلسطينية العربية لعام 1980

Publishing date: 1980-01-16


Final statement of the emergency conference of the Foreign Ministers of the National Front for Resistance and Confrontation, regarding the request to postpone the Islamic Conference and to include the topic of American threats on its agenda.

At the invitation of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Foreign Ministers of the National Front for Resistance and Confrontation held a conference in Damascus on 28 Safar 1400 AH, corresponding to 16 January 1980.

The conference discussed the general international situation and the developments taking place in the Arab and Islamic countries, especially those occurring within the framework of the continued conspiracy by the parties of the Camp David alliance against the security of the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, their future, and the established national rights of the Palestinian Arab people and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.

The conference also discussed the role of imperialist powers led by the United States in escalating international relations and obstructing the policy of international détente, reviving the Cold War, establishing aggressive military bases, and seeking to form alliances, axes, and military blocs aimed at subjugating the peoples of developing countries and national liberation movements to its will through attempts to exploit the recent events in Iran and Afghanistan to cover up its imperialistic schemes and its hidden aggressive goals.

The conference noted with great concern the dangerous maneuvers of the United States policy to dismantle the unity of the Non-Aligned Movement and divert it from its principles and objectives, which it affirmed in its various conferences, especially in the Sixth Summit Conference.

The conference reviewed the dangerous role played by the parties of Camp David in forming an aggressive alliance, especially through military cooperation among themselves, and the involvement of the Egyptian regime in this conspiracy, and in opening the doors of our sister Egypt to American influence and military presence as a prelude to placing the entire region under American control and using it for the benefit of Zionism and global imperialism, and establishing new bases in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea region, and the Arab world, both in the East and the West.

The conference affirmed that the military maneuvers carried out by the Egyptian regime in cooperation with the Zionist enemy and the United States are directed against the Arab nation.

The Egyptian regime’s stance on the events in Iran and Afghanistan reaffirms once again the determination of this regime, since it broke away from the Arab nation and betrayed its goals, to cooperate with American imperialism and Zionism. It assists them in controlling and expanding militarily and economically in the region. For this purpose, its regime and the land of our sister Egypt have been mobilized to serve as a gateway for American Zionist imperialism to expand and return to the policy of military blocs and alliances, reviving the Cold War, which has brought nothing to the world, especially the developing countries, but subjugation, backwardness, and destruction.

The conference emphasized that the manufactured agitation orchestrated by global imperialism, led by the United States, in collusion with Israel and the Egyptian regime regarding the events in Iran and Afghanistan, aims to divert the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation from their struggle against the main threat represented by the Zionist enemy and its occupation. It seeks to undermine Arab and Islamic solidarity, extract the Camp David Accords from their predicament, and attempt to create a rift between the Arab nation and its friends, especially the Soviet Union and other socialist countries.

The United States, in order to achieve these goals, tries to claim that it defends Islam and Muslims while it has conspired against the Iranian revolution and continues to supply the Zionist enemy with the latest weapons to escalate aggression, expansion, and perpetuate occupation. It aims to annex Palestinian and Arab territories, especially Jerusalem, and assault Islamic sanctities, desecrating them.

Thus, the Camp David parties have exposed their basic plan in an attempt to target Arab and Islamic objectives, tear apart Arab and Islamic solidarity, lift the isolation from the Egyptian regime, and preoccupy Arabs and Muslims with fabricated dangers, away from the real threat posed by Zionist aggression and its American imperialist ally. They portray the sovereignty rights of Arab and Islamic countries and peoples, including Iran and Afghanistan, as nothing but submission to the will of imperialism and Zionism.

Arab and Islamic peoples, as they realize this plan and its objectives, recognize their enemies and friends.

They believe that their fundamental cause has been and remains the Palestinian cause and the liberation of Palestinian and Arab lands from Israeli occupation. These peoples cannot see events or interpret them except in light of their view of this fundamental issue. They have learned through their experiences that the imperialist and Zionist forces behind the displacement of the Palestinian people, the violation of their national rights, and the occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands cannot be sincere or trustworthy in fulfilling the aspirations of the peoples for liberation, progress, and peace based on justice.

The conference commends with great appreciation the decisions of the Tenth Conference of Foreign Ministers of Islamic States in Fez, the decisions of the Sixth Summit Conference of Heads of State and Government of Non-Aligned Countries in Havana, and the positions of socialist countries, led by the Soviet Union.

  1. It reaffirms that the decisions of the conferences of the National Front for Steadfastness and Confrontation constitute the basis for a determined confrontation against the Camp David approach and its parties. Stemming from these decisions, the conference calls for the development and strengthening of the resolutions of the Arab summit conferences in Baghdad and Tunis, especially towards effectively countering American imperialism, Zionist expansionism, tightening the isolation around the Egyptian regime, and fully committing to its comprehensive boycott.
  2. It decides to send the following telegram to the Secretary-General of the Islamic Conference and to all Islamic governments: The Islamic Conference emerged after the fire at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, bearing responsibility for defending Palestine and Jerusalem. It cannot allow colonial powers and their allies to exploit it for purposes other than the noble and righteous goals for which it came into existence.

Therefore, the Conference of Foreign Ministers of the National Front for Steadfastness and Confrontation, held in Damascus on 28 Safar 1400 H, corresponding to 16 January 1980, requests you to communicate the following proposals to the member states:

  1. Postpone the date of the Islamic Conference to a later date because the 26th of January of the current year is the date of the normalization of relations between the Egyptian regime and the Zionist entity, which constitutes a dangerous step in their normalization process. Holding the conference on the proposed date will lead to covering up this treacherous step, attracting the attention of the Arab, Islamic, and global public opinion to the conference instead of confronting the real dangers resulting from this new dangerous step.
  2. Hold this conference in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it is the host country of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
  3. Include the following topics on the conference agenda:

A – Normalization of relations between the Egyptian regime and the Zionist entity, resulting in violations of the rights of the Palestinian Arab people in their right of return, self-determination, and the establishment of their independent state on their national soil, as well as the consolidation of the occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories and the abandonment of Jerusalem.

B – American threats of armed aggression against the peoples of the region.

C – Establishment of American military bases in some countries of the region such as Egypt and Oman.

4 – Condemnation of American schemes and imperialist-Zionist misinformation campaigns that denigrate Islam and its lofty principles by using them as a cover for their aggressive and expansionist purposes. Calling on all Arab and Islamic countries to be vigilant against these schemes and to stand united in confronting them to overthrow them and preserve the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

5 – Declaring its support for the Iranian revolution and the Iranian Muslim people in defending their freedom, independence, sovereignty, control over their resources, and in order to free themselves from the imperialist domination that the United States is trying to impose on them again.

6 – It reaffirms its respect for Afghanistan’s will to defend its homeland and the integrity of its territory, and its non-alignment.

7 – It declares its determination to strengthen the National Front for Resilience and Confrontation, enhance its role, and develop its institutions in a manner that serves the goals of the Arab nation.

8 – It warns against any attempt to establish foreign military bases in the Arab homeland, as this would push the Arab region into the flames of international conflict, leading its countries to lose their national independence and non-alignment.

9 – It emphasizes that the Arab nation will not be drawn into achieving some of the conspiracy’s objectives to harm the existing relations of friendship and cooperation between the Arab nation and the socialist system, led by the Soviet Union.

10 – It calls on the Arab masses and all their nationalist forces to undertake the widest movement on January 26, 1980, to express their anger and condemnation of the new treacherous step taken by the Egyptian regime in normalizing relations with the Zionist enemy.


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