Khaddam: All Syrians must overcome their differences and abandon their party and personal ambitions

publisher: بيروت أوبزرفر

Publishing date: 2013-10-10


A message sent by former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam to the Syrian people

Dear people of Syria,

No people in the modern world have endured the crimes of genocide, mass murder, humiliation, displacement, imprisonment, and destruction of economic and urban infrastructure to the extent that the Syrian people have suffered under the rule of Bashar Al-Assad, a serial killer who is partnered with Russia and Iran in an alliance.

Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons, on the scale that it has been used, is a result of a joint decision made by Russia and Iran. Bashar al-Assad cannot make such a decision without the involvement of his main allies who ensure its continuation.

As the murder and genocide in Syria escalated, so did the campaigns denouncing these crimes. There has been a shift in the Arab stance towards supporting Syria, and some major countries have also changed their attitudes towards the regime.

This development compelled the Russian-Iranian alliance with the deadly regime to decide to use chemical weapons. Their intention was to divert international attention away from the murder and genocide, and instead focus on the use of chemical weapons, considering it the primary issue concerning international peace and security.

Amidst this international climate, Russia announced a project to destroy chemical weapons. This announcement was received by U.S. President Barack Obama, who subsequently abandoned his position to use military force against the deadly regime. This decision brought about a significant change in the international reality.

The question arises: Why did President Obama make this decision? Was there an American-Russian agreement, with Russia being the victor? Did the American president retreat due to military incapability? Such explanations seem unreasonable. Could it be that there was an American decision to pave the way for dealing with Iran? Is the statement made by the U.S. Secretary of State, accepting Iran’s participation in a peace conference on Syria if it recognizes the decisions of the First Geneva Conference, part of the American attempt to contain Iran?

At a time when the United States of America considered Iran to be a hostile country, the Iranian president engages in talks with the American president. The significant question that arises in this regard is whether the American administration has made promises to the Iranian president with the intention of instigating conflict within Iran.

In light of all these developments, what will be the position of the Revolutionary Guard in Iran?

Dear citizens,

When a nation faces external or internal aggression, its people, along with all their social, political, and national components, swiftly unite their ranks, mobilize their energies and forces to confront the aggression, and work towards achieving the country’s goals in advancement, progress, and prosperity. They enhance their capabilities to defend the country, protect its people, and ensure their security.

However, in the current reality, despite more than two and a half years having passed since the beginning of the revolution, there are still existing political, military, and social divisions within the country.

It is in the best interest of the nation for everyone to transcend their differences, set aside their party and personal ambitions, and combine their efforts to achieve a central objective: the overthrow of the regime, the salvation of the Syrian people, and the establishment of a democratic civil state where citizens have equal rights and responsibilities, irrespective of their religion, sect, race, or gender.

The interests of Syria necessitate holding a comprehensive national conference that encompasses all political, military, and social components of the Syrian people. This conference would discuss the current situation, strategies to overcome it, and outline the fundamental principles of Syria after the regime’s fall. It would also select an interim leadership that genuinely represents the Syrian people based on the existing circumstances.

No political or military entity should possess exclusive decision-making powers, as this would only lead to further conflicts within Syria. Such a situation should be avoided at all costs.

Today, our people require the collective efforts of all to achieve political and military unity. Anyone harboring political or personal ambitions should set them aside until after the regime’s downfall and free elections are conducted in the country.

We should deeply contemplate the threats that endanger our nation, as they also jeopardize the security and stability of the Arab peoples and their countries.

Failure to unite our ranks will open a wide door to extremism.

Victory or defeat is contingent upon the unity of Syrians or the perpetuation of their divisions.

I appeal to all parties to exert every effort in uniting all forces engaged in the struggle to overthrow the regime and join their endeavors to achieve victory.

We pray to God to safeguard Syria and its people.


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