Khaddam denies repeating the Iraqi scenario in Syria

publisher: العربية نت

Publishing date: 2006-01-01


Khaddam stated in an interview with Al-Arabiya channel that, in his opinion, a scenario like the Iraqi war is completely out of the question in Syria. He believes that the United States will not resort to military force against Syria. However, he expressed concern about the psychological and political pressure that Syria is currently facing, which is an unprecedented situation since the country’s independence.

According to Khaddam, Syria is currently experiencing Arab and international isolation, along with constant threats. This situation is deeply concerning for the Syrian citizens. He emphasized the importance of promoting national unity with all parties, even those with whom they have had violent disputes, such as the Muslim Brotherhood. He referred to the 1982 confrontation between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Syrian security forces, which led to the banning of the organization’s activities.

Khaddam argued that addressing these challenges requires making bold decisions, including amending the constitution. He cautioned against repeating the mistakes of Saddam Hussein, who refused to engage in dialogue with the Iraqi opposition, resulting in unforeseen consequences. He noted that the Iraqi opposition, which Syria and Iran considered allies, ended up providing political cover for the American intervention in Iraq.

Khaddam stressed the need to ensure that no Syrian citizen feels excluded from the country’s interests, stating that Syrians should take charge of dealing with the Americans. He believed that when the Syrian citizens perceive that their leadership is working towards national consensus and inclusivity, with national unity as the safeguard for the country, there will be a popular consensus on the system, and people will move beyond past mistakes.

He raised an important question, expressing concern about the growing animosity when dozens of Syrians are barred from returning to Syria and face imprisonment if they do return. He emphasized that the country’s well-being should take precedence over the regime’s interests.
