Khaddam in a message to the Syrians: The Syrians must unite their efforts and capabilities

publisher: المكتب الاعلامي للسيد عب الحليم خدام

AUTHOR: عبد الحليم خدام

Publishing date: 2015-08-18


Dear fellow citizens,

After nearly five years of killing, destruction, and displacement led by the tyrant Bashar al-Assad and his gang, let us openly and courageously question the reasons that prevented the victory of the Syrian people. During this period, hundreds of thousands of martyrs have fallen, hundreds of thousands have been arrested, and millions have been displaced, living in tents or difficult conditions.

The reasons as I see them are:

Firstly, the lack of unity among Syrians and the abundance of divisions, formations, and conflicts among them. With this situation, how can the people triumph over their deadly enemy? It is crucial for Syrians, encompassing all religious, sectarian, national, and political components, who realize the danger of the continuation of this regime to unite. Those capable among them should take action and promote the issue of unifying forces and goals. It is a national responsibility for every Syrian to set aside personal aspirations and goals, and the objective should be the unity of the people.

Secondly, Syrians face two adversaries who pose threats to the Arab region and their territories, namely Iran and Israel.

Iran is the decision-maker behind pushing the tyrant Bashar al-Assad to commit crimes of murder and genocide aimed at changing the national, religious, sectarian, and geographical structure of Syria. This poses a significant danger not only to the Syrian people but also to Arab and regional countries because the ambitions of the Iranian leadership extend from the Mediterranean coast to Afghanistan, as expressed by one of the Iranian leaders during his visit to Damascus in mid-1985.

Thirdly, given this perilous situation, Syrians must unite their efforts and capabilities to collaborate with Arab countries and their leaders in taking practical positions to support the Syrian people and thwart the Iranian conspiracy, preventing Syria from becoming a tragedy akin to the one in Palestine.

In this statement, I appeal to our Arab brothers, the decision-makers in the East and West, to realize the gravity of the regional and international situations on their people and countries. Consequently, they should cooperate with various international forces to save the Syrian people.

Finally, I remain hopeful that our patient and resilient people, who have shed much of their blood while maintaining their pride, will triumph over the ordeal. Syria will reclaim its regional and international standing in a promising Arab atmosphere.


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