Former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam emphasized that the support of Emir Sabah al-Ahmad of Kuwait is a moral encouragement for the Syrian people. He commended Kuwait for hosting the donor conference for the Syrian people for the second time.
In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Seyassah, Khaddam urged Arab countries to follow Kuwait’s lead in alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people. He pointed out that the current aid being provided is insufficient.
Regarding the Syrian opposition’s acceptance of attending the Geneva 2 conference, Khaddam emphasized that there is a team within the opposition that has reservations. However, he believes that once the principles of the conference are clarified, the opposition may reject participation due to the conference’s sponsors, namely Russia, which supports the regime and will not abandon it, and the United States, which calls for the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but not the entire regime. Khaddam expressed the Syrian people’s doubts about the seriousness of the United States in assisting them. He called on the opposition coalition to ensure that decisive decisions are made in favor of the Syrian people at the Geneva II conference.