publisher: The New York Times

Publishing date: 1974-05-09


After Secretary of State Kissinger completed more than five hours of talks with President Hafez al‐Assad today, official sources said: that a meeting of Arab chiefs of state might be necessary at an early date.

Adel Halim Khaddam, Syrian Foreign Minister, met today with Mahmoud Riad, secretary general of the Arab League, and was said to have discussed the calling of a meeting of Arab leaders.

Mr. Riad said after the meeting that no official Syrian request had been made. But he noted that a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Tunis last month agreed that Syria could call for such a meeting “at any time it felt it was necessary.

In Tunis, Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy of Eygpt urged that the Arab chiefs of state meet next September to review the Middle East political situation. But Syria maintained that resistance by Israel to withdrawal of forces from occupied Arab territories, as well as continued fighting on the Golan Heights, might require an earlier meeting.

Syrians Hope for Concessions

The Syrians clearly have not abandoned hope that Mr. Kissinger’s mission will yield Israeli territorial concessions. The Damascus radio reported in its evening news bulletins tonight, after Mr. Kissinger’s departure, that the Secretary of State would be back in a few days.

The Israeli view on disengagement presented by Mr. Kissinger to Mr. Assad today fell considerably short of what the Syrians consider tangible evidence of Israeli intentions to withdraw from the occupied areas.

Syria’s minimum demands were described by informed sources as immediate withdrawal by Isreal from El Quenitra, the former district capital of the Golan Heights, and from three fortified hills overlooking the deserted town. The Syrians have also insisted on an Israeli; commitment to withdraw from all Golan Heights territory within a Specified time.

Syrian sources spoke here this week of the desirability of a joint United States‐Soviet guarantee that such a withdrawal would be carried out.


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