The former deputy of Hafez al-Assad. The Syrian regime established sectarian groups under the name “Shabiha.”

publisher: اليوم السابع

Publishing date: 2013-05-03


Abdelhalim Khaddam, former deputy to the late President Hafez al-Assad, urged the United States to quickly provide weapons to the Syrian opposition rather than sending troops.

In a special statement to Al Arabiya news channel on Friday, Khaddam explained that Arab and international silence about what is happening in Syria exacerbates the volatile situation and pushes the country towards extremism. He confirmed that the death toll due to the Assad forces’ invasion of the Bayda area and the countryside of Banias has reached more than 700.

Khaddam pointed out that the Syrian regime possesses chemical weapons, without a doubt, emphasizing that the daily killings in Syria are more dangerous than chemical weapons in themselves.

Regarding his assessment of the military operations on the ground, Khaddam stated that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is achieving military accomplishments and victories in various conflict areas. However, there is a dilemma in its ability to stand firm and maintain the gains it has achieved.

Khaddam emphasized that the Syrian government army does not hesitate to commit murder and rape. He mentioned that the Syrian regime has established sectarian groups under the name “Shabiha.” He also noted that there is an ongoing effort to cleanse the coastal area of Sunni Muslims, according to him.


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