Khaddam calls on the Gulf states to put pressure on the West with the aim of military intervention

publisher: المستقبل


Publishing date: 2012-03-17


“Abdul Haleem Khaddam urged the former deputy to the Syrian president, the leaders of Arab countries, especially the Gulf states’ leaders concerned about what is happening in Syria. As Syria’s situation is of concern to them on fraternal, national, and religious grounds, he called on them to take action. He suggested they travel to the West, demanding strongly the formation of a military coalition to save the Syrian people and the region. The lack of military intervention will also have grave consequences for the region. The people will turn to extremism at a certain stage, and Syria will become a refuge for extremists worldwide in the Arab and Islamic worlds, posing a greater threat to regional and international security than Afghanistan and the events in Iraq before. He added:

  • The real option in Syria is an international military coalition conducting military operations similar to what happened in Libya. Anything else will not achieve the goal desired by those in the buffer zone region.
  • The buffer zone mentioned by the Turkish president does not solve the problem, which requires international military intervention for protection. It does not come by the decision of the Syrian regime or the Syrians; it comes by the decision of states. Turkey on the border can enter the area and make it a buffer zone, but this will lead to a new border line with Turkey. In other words, the regime will place its forces on the buffer zone’s border, preventing movement towards or from it, and thus, the benefit is not realized.
  • Assad has no option for reconciliation with the Syrian people because it is impossible after these crimes and the sectarian tension caused by the regime. After these crimes and the massive and terrifying number of martyrs, Assad cannot be accepted in Syria in any form. But his declared option, as he informed one of his Lebanese friends, is that when besieged, he will go to the coastal area and declare a state there. In addition, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov informed some Arab ministers that he will not surrender or hand over. His option is to establish a state on the coast. This means a prolonged war within Syria between the people holding onto their unity and the regime that tore national unity apart and is now trying to dismantle geographic unity.”

More than a month and a half ago, it was announced on Al-Arabiya channel that “Assad” had decided to send all the weapons he does not use for killing, including strategic weapons, missiles, and most of the aircraft now located at Latakia airport, to the coastal region. He prepared himself to establish this state. This information comes from sources within the heart of the regime. In addition, he is training tens of thousands of residents of the coastal region in military activities to form the future army of the alleged state.

“Assad” will not leave Syria, and his fate will be like that of “Gaddafi.” He does not care about the needs of the people or the needs of the state; instead, he cares about his own needs and the needs of the allied group of military personnel who founded the army during his father’s reign to be the regime’s army, not the nation’s army. Therefore, the needs of the people do not matter to them. If he commits the crime of moving to the coast, it means he will secure his future needs in the region through the Russian fleet, which will transport supplies and food for him, meeting all his needs.

“Annans’s efforts are nothing more than tourist trips. He tried during the Iraq crisis, but he did not achieve any success. Now, he cannot achieve any success because there is a deep gap between the regime’s stance, policies, and approach, and what is required from the regime by the international community and Arab countries. Therefore, it is impossible for him to succeed, and I believe he will not complete his initiative and will withdraw. He went to Damascus and heard harsh words from Assad, and the atmosphere indicates that he was not comfortable with the meeting.

The Arab League was not balanced in dealing with the Syrian issue, and it was supposed to present a report explaining and providing proposals based on clarity, frankness, and transparency. There is no hope or solution with this regime except a military one, but it ruled out the military solution, which is not its right to do so.


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