Khaddam’s memo stated, “The issue of extending Lahoud arose in 2004, and it revolved around Lebanese public opinion, which was divided between an overwhelming majority opposed to the extension and a supportive minority. Additionally, there was comprehensive international rejection of the extension issue.”
According to Khaddam’s memoirs, “The international rejection further strengthened a meeting between American President George Bush and his French counterpart, Jacques Chirac, in June 2004. During the meeting, they firmly rejected the extension of President Lahoud and condemned the Syrian intervention in Lebanese affairs.”
Khaddam explained that in all his meetings with Bashar al-Assad, he successfully convinced him of the dangers associated with the extension. It was evident to him that any irrational stance towards the Syrian regime would result in significant harm to the country due to the widespread opposition campaign at the Lebanese, Arab, and international levels. All of this was accompanied by calls to cease Syrian intervention in Lebanon and the withdrawal of the Syrian army.
Khaddam pointed out that Assad ultimately decided against extending Lahoud’s term due to the opposition he faced at the international, Arab, and Lebanese levels. He informed President Emile Lahoud of his intention not to extend the term before subsequently changing his decision. Assad discussed this change with Hariri and requested his position on Syria.
In his memoirs, Khaddam raised questions about the reasons behind Bashar Al-Assad’s change of decision regarding Lahoud’s extension. Was it due to pressure from those close to him who had significant interests in Lebanon? Or was it related to security matters in Lebanon, as it is a partner in the security system? Alternatively, could it be attributed to personal emotions stemming from fear and hesitation that influenced his decision-making?