Khaddam is a real oppositionist

publisher: الحوار المتمدن

AUTHOR: ثائر الناشف

Publishing date: 2008-05-16


Two and a half years have passed since the calm and deliberate choice made by the former Vice President of Syria, Abdul Halim Khaddam, in the journey of reform and change. He attempted to initiate it from within the Syrian regime itself, and at all levels, starting with the Ba’ath Party system, passing through the economy and administration.

The reformist steps that Mr. Khaddam tried to undertake within the structure of the regime, encouraged by the former French President Jacques Chirac’s administration, fell on deaf ears. They were dismissed, causing great frustration to Chirac himself, who had initially harbored optimism at the beginning of Bashar al-Assad’s presidency. However, the heated situation in Lebanon quickly revealed the flaws and shortsightedness.

The impossibility of reform from within compelled Khaddam to tread the path of change, despite its difficulty and danger. It led him to break away from the regime, as the necessity for change crystallized in Khaddam’s view, coinciding with the movement of international changes. These changes began with the actual fall of the Soviet Union, with its power and weight comparable to the might of the United States. The U.S., adopting a unipolar policy, introduced the New World Order, which spared no room for stagnation. The Second Gulf War was one of the prominent outcomes of this new U.S. policy. Khaddam emerged as the only politician who could read these rapid changes and understand them deeply from his political and diplomatic position. Unfortunately, none of the pillars of the regime later shared in this understanding, despite the importance of his position at that time.

It later became clear that the confusion in Lebanon during the past four years was caused by improvisation surrounded by the illusion of resistance, and the lack of the ability to read these changes. The earthquake of the international Resolution 1559 was in the crosshairs, and the repercussions of this resolution continue on the ground. No one knows when it will end or how it will end.

In our belief, all these apparent reasons and others have formed a bridge for Khaddam to cross to the other side, to the opposition, which was expected at any moment. This is due to the deep gap between them and the difference in Khaddam’s vision from the regime’s vision for the Lebanese file. The gap deepened after the assassination of the late President Rafik Hariri, coupled with intentional misunderstanding and a malicious defamation campaign tarnishing Khaddam’s reputation, blaming him for all corruption in Syria and Lebanon.

The corruption charges and the black files attached to Mr. Khaddam have proven their failure and invalidity. Until now, the regime’s talk about corruption files has not been convincing because it is unable to open them, and we do not know why. Perhaps these files do not exist at all, as the smear campaign did not provide any evidence against Khaddam, whether he was part of the opposition or even within the regime. Malicious rumors continue to circulate in a ignorant and foolish manner, suggesting that the main reason for corruption and the absence of reform is the old guard led by Khaddam.

The question now, if Mr. Khaddam, in his opposition position, is no longer part of the old guard, where is the reform, and why does corruption persist, and who is the corrupt one then? This defamation has not deprived Mr. Khaddam of options, and its effect did not escape the opposition, which welcomed him with open arms, restoring some balance and lost confidence. This is because the opposition now possesses the answer to the big question: Who is the real corrupt person obsessed with wealth? However, some opposition members who reject and are not convinced by Khaddam’s opposition are still obsessed with self-love and revolving in the orbit of the past.

The opponents of the opposition and the fools of the regime should stop their hallucinations and realize well that the true opposition is the one looking towards the future, despite all the baseless campaigns of vilification and defamation.


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