Khaddam: Lahoud’s speech in Francophone fortified the decisions of the Arab Summit

publisher: الديار

Publishing date: 2002-10-21


The Syrian Vice President, Mr. Abdel Halim Khaddam, expressed his full support for the unified Lebanese stance in defending its right to water. He viewed President Emile Lahoud’s speech at the Francophone Summit as reinforcing the decisions made at the Arab Summit, and he commended the efforts of French President Jacques Chirac in resolving the conflict between Washington and Baghdad. Khaddam called upon the Lebanese people to distance themselves from all forms of extremism.

Wadih Al-Khazen conveyed the Syrian Vice President’s position during his visit to Damascus, where he discussed the regional situation and the relations between Lebanon and Syria. Al-Khazen quoted Khaddam as fully supporting Lebanon’s unified position in defending its water rights, despite repeated Israeli threats.

Khaddam also mentioned that President Emile Lahoud’s speech at the Ninth Francophone Summit Conference served to strengthen the decisions made at the recent Arab Summit in Beirut and garnered support from both Arab and French perspectives.

The Syrian Vice President praised French President Jacques Chirac’s efforts in peacefully resolving the serious conflict between Washington and Baghdad through international legitimacy. However, he expressed deep concern and caution regarding Israeli intentions and plans, and called for countering them by strengthening internal unity among the Lebanese and continuing dialogue, while emphasizing the need to avoid extremism from any side.

According to Al-Khazen, Khaddam stated that President Jacques Chirac’s recent visit to President Bashar Al-Assad confirmed the special relations between Damascus and Paris. He noted the substantial alignment of views between Presidents Bashar Al-Assad and Emile Lahoud, and President Jacques Chirac on various matters of mutual interest, including the “Paris II” conference on Lebanon


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