Syria’s foreign minister denied reports of a coup attempt against President Hafez Assad

publisher: UPI

Publishing date: 1982-02-02


Syria’s foreign minister denied reports of a coup attempt against President Hafez Assad and dismissed opposition to the regime in an interview published today, saying ‘those who are banking on unrest in Syria are living on Mars.’

Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam’s denial came amid persistent reports that as many as 150 Syrian army officers were arrested and several were executed for plotting to overthrow the government.

‘Syria is the most stable country in the region,’ Khaddam told the Beirut newspaper An Nahar. ‘Those who are banking on unrest in Syria are living on Mars.’

Beirut newspapers also published photographs of the alleged leader of the coup, former air force commander Gen. Naji Jamil, attending a weekend rally in Damascus commemorating the 17th anniversary of a pro-Palestinian guerrilla group.

Assad’ opponents, including the Moslem Brotherhood, have vowed to escalate their campaign of terrorist attacks and claim they are close to forming a unified ‘national front’ against his regime.

Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam’s denial came amid persistent reports that as many as 150 Syrian army officers were arrested and several were executed for plotting to overthrow the government.

‘Syria is the most stable country in the region,’ Khaddam told the Beirut newspaper An Nahar. ‘Those who are banking on unrest in Syria are living on Mars.’



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