The speech of Mr. Abdul Halim Khaddam at the opening of the sessions of the National Committee for Supporting the Syrian Revolution.

publisher: سورية الحرة Free Syria

Publishing date: 2011-11-09


Dear Syrian brothers and sisters,

I send heartfelt greetings to our resilient and patient people who face forces from the army that have turned their allegiance from the nation to the regime and its family. Syrian brothers and sisters, you are not only facing this army, but also the alliance between Iran and this regime.

I pray that God’s mercy encompasses the martyrs of the revolution who wrote with their blood the slogan “Death, not humiliation” and opened the path to freedom with their souls.

I have great hope for the youth of Syria, both young men and women, who have eradicated fear from their minds and hearts. They have succeeded where we, the older generation, did not, as they have pushed the regime to the brink of collapse. Peace be upon you and a thousand greetings to you, our heroic sons and daughters.

I also salute the military personnel, officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, who have defected from the regime’s army, expressing their deep national sentiments. They are now at the forefront of those fighting to liberate Syria. In doing so, they are paving a new path for the country’s national army.

Dear brothers and sisters,

This regime is on the brink of collapse, causing Bashar al-Assad to lose his mind and balance. He has resorted to issuing threats and warnings to the countries of the region and the world. In the first instance, his cousin Rami Makhlouf was pushed to make a statement to an American newspaper threatening the United States, saying, “The security of Israel is linked to the security of Syria.” Two weeks ago, Bashar himself issued a threat to the region and the world, stating that he would destroy the region with his missiles, as well as Iranian and Hezbollah missiles, if faced with any foreign intervention. Just days ago, he made a new statement in which he said that any threat to his regime or foreign intervention in Syria would turn Syria into another Afghanistan and set the region on fire. He knows, and we know, that he dares not sleep in the same house for two consecutive nights, as he trembles with fear and is driven by fear to commit more killings and madness. He reminds us of his twin, Muammar Gaddafi, who used to threaten the world with Al-Qaeda, Islamic extremism, and the threats he launched against the Libyan people. We all witnessed his fate on television screens. This will be your fate too, Bashar, the fate of murderers and butchers.

Our meeting today, which includes a group of Syrian patriots motivated by a deep sense of their national responsibility, placing themselves in the service of the people and the nation, will discuss all means and methods to assist the revolution in achieving its goals of toppling the regime and holding its civilian and military leaders, as well as all those who contributed to committing crimes, covering them up, or assisting in their commission, accountable.

At the forefront of our discussions, we will explore all possibilities that lead to the regime’s downfall and the victory of the revolution, starting from the potential for achieving victory through the peaceful revolution and extending to arming it. We will also consider the possibility of mobilizing a group of military personnel who hold deep love for their country and loyalty to it, to work towards its overthrow and open the way for the revolution to achieve a complete victory.

Therefore, on this occasion, I call upon these brothers to shoulder their national responsibilities, overcome the fear of the regime’s oppression, organize themselves, and work towards its overthrow.

One of the topics we will discuss is the issue of military intervention by the international community, which we will call for because the oppressive regime is not a national one and has no connection to the nation. It is more brutal and destructive than any foreign occupation at any point in history or in any region of the world. It is the regime that brought Iran into Syria and handed over the country’s leadership to it through its advisors and instruments.

Every day, dozens of martyrs fall in the face of the savage killing machine used by the regime. Therefore, it is our national duty to take responsibility for protecting our people and empowering them to achieve their aspirations.

One of the fundamental issues we will discuss is the need to unify the visions of all revolutionary and national forces committed to toppling the regime regarding the process of overthrow and the phase that will follow. Because existing divisions constitute a significant weakness in the struggle against the regime. We will spare no effort to achieve this goal because the nation is more important than anyone, and our collective responsibility is to protect it, not to subject it to political and sectarian disputes.

National unity protects everyone and can only be achieved through the participation of all. Any breach in national unity opens a major gateway for discord and destruction.

Therefore, on this occasion, I appeal to the wise among the religious, political, military, and youth leaders of our Alawite brothers to break their silence because their silence places them within the regime’s circle and holds them responsible for its crimes. I call on them to break the wall of fear regarding the revolution because the revolution is not directed against the Alawite community but against the oppressive and corrupt regime. The revolution does not harbor hatred or seek revenge, but it holds accountable anyone who participated in the regime’s crimes.

Bashar al-Assad is nearing his downfall, and he will fall, and he and all those involved with him will face their consequences. Do not worry about his tyranny; you are stronger with your people.

I urge you to expose this murderous oppressive regime and call upon your sons and daughters in the armed forces to join the people and contribute to the liberation of the homeland.

Brothers and sisters,

We will focus our efforts on our Arab brothers and sisters to assist the Syrian people, as they did with the Libyan people. They have always been in the hearts of Syrians, and their concerns have been the concerns of Syrians. Part of the problems our people face is caused by the alliance between the regime and Iran’s rulers.

We will call on them to support the Syrian people and stand by them as they have always stood by them. We will also include in our action plans communication with the international community and its political and humanitarian institutions to explain the Syrian issue. We will request the international community to protect the Syrian people by all possible means, including military means, and empower them to achieve their aspirations.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that our goal is not to overthrow the state but to overthrow the political-security system that has occupied the state and used its institutions to commit crimes. Our goal is to liberate the state, hold accountable those used by the regime in its occupation, and work to modernize and rehabilitate it. The state is the strength of the nation, where more than two million citizens work, and we must protect and rehabilitate them, not displace them. We firmly reject the repetition of the Iraq experience, which led to the dissolution of the state and its institutions, causing severe internal divisions and ongoing violence.

Brothers and sisters,

Nations do not progress through hatred or division, but through justice, the respect and application of the law, and the accountability of those who harm the people and the nation.

Glory to our martyrs, and the future belongs to our people.

Long live a free Syria!

Peace be upon you.


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