Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Syrian Arab Republic

publisher: البعث Baath news papers

Publishing date: 1980-10-08


Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Syrian Arab Republic

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Syrian Arab Republic, inspired by the desire to strengthen and develop the existing relations of friendship and comprehensive cooperation between them in accordance with the interests of the peoples of both countries and the cause of peace and security throughout the world, to reinforce international détente and develop peaceful cooperation between states, and with a firm determination to confront the aggressive policies of imperialism and its allies and to continue the struggle against colonialism, neocolonialism, and racism in all its forms and manifestations, including Zionism, and to support national independence and social progress, and recognizing the crucial importance of continuing coexistence between the two countries in the pursuit of establishing a just and lasting peace in the Middle East,

Confirming adherence to the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter, including the principles of respect for sovereignty and national independence, territorial integrity, and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other, they have decided to conclude this treaty and agree on the following:

Article 1 – The contracting parties declare their intention to develop and enhance the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and peoples in the political, economic, military, scientific-technical, cultural, and other fields based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, respect for sovereignty, national independence, territorial integrity, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Article 2 – The contracting parties will work in all ways to promote peace and security for their peoples, to ease international tensions and translate this into tangible forms of cooperation between states, and to resolve disputes through peaceful means, excluding any forms of domination and aggression from international relations. They will actively cooperate to halt the arms race and comprehensive disarmament, including nuclear disarmament, under effective international supervision.

Article 3 – Guided by their belief in the equality of all peoples and states regardless of race or creed, the contracting parties condemn colonialism, racism, and Zionism as forms and manifestations of racism, and reaffirm their commitment to the relentless struggle against them. They will cooperate with other countries in supporting the just aspirations of peoples in their struggle against imperialism for the final and complete elimination of colonialism and foreign domination, and for freedom and social progress.

Article 4 – The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics respects the policy of non-alignment pursued by the Syrian Arab Republic, which is an important factor in maintaining and strengthening global peace and international security and in reducing international tensions. The Syrian Arab Republic respects the peaceful foreign policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aimed at fostering friendship and cooperation with all countries and peoples.

Article 5 – The contracting parties will develop and expand regular exchanges of views and consultations on matters of friendly relations and international issues of mutual interest, particularly concerning the Middle East. Consultations and exchanges of views will take place at various levels, primarily through meetings of official leadership figures from both sides.

Article 6 – In the event of situations threatening the peace or security of either party or disrupting global peace and security, the contracting parties will immediately initiate contact with each other to coordinate their positions and collaborate to remove the threat and restore peace.

Article 7 – The contracting parties will achieve close and comprehensive cooperation in creating conditions for maintaining and developing the social and economic achievements of their peoples and respecting each party’s sovereignty over its natural resources.

Article 8 – The contracting parties will continuously enhance and expand mutual benefits in the economic and scientific-technical fields and exchange expertise in industry, agriculture, irrigation, water resources, oil and other natural resources, as well as in communications, transportation, and other economic sectors. They will also expand trade and maritime navigation between them based on principles of equality, mutual benefit, and most-favored-nation treatment.

Article 9 – The contracting parties will continue to develop cooperation and exchange experiences in science, art, literature, education, health, media, cinema, tourism, sports, and other fields. They will work to expand communication and cooperation between state authorities, existing organizations, including unions and other social organizations, and cultural and scientific institutions, to deepen understanding of the life, work, experience, and achievements of their peoples.

Article 10 – The contracting parties will continue to develop military cooperation based on agreements concluded between them in this regard, according to the interests of strengthening their defensive capabilities.

Article 11 – Each of the contracting parties declares that it will not join any alliances or participate in any bloc of states, nor in any actions or measures directed against the other contracting party.

Article 12 – Each of the contracting parties declares that its obligations under existing international agreements do not conflict with the provisions of this treaty and commits to refraining from any international agreements that do not align with it.

Article 13 – Any differences that may arise between the contracting parties regarding the interpretation or application of any provision of this treaty will be resolved bilaterally in the spirit of friendship, understanding, and respect.

Article 14 – This treaty shall remain in effect for twenty years from the date of its entry into force. If neither party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the treaty six months before the expiration of this period, it will remain in force for an additional five years, and so on, unless either party provides a written notice of its intention to terminate it six months before the end of the current five-year period.

Article 15 – This treaty is subject to ratification and shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of ratification documents, which will take place in Damascus.

Issued in Moscow on October 8, 1980, in two versions in Russian and Arabic, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Leonid Brezhnev

For the Syrian Arab Republic

Hafez al-Assad


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