Abdel Halim Khaddam: Al-Assad informed a Lebanese minister that he would ignite a sectarian war and establish a Sahel state

publisher: العربية.نت Al Arabia.net

Publishing date: 2012-01-10


Former Syrian Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddam, who defected from the ruling regime in Damascus, accused President Bashar al-Assad of preparing for a “sectarian war” and establishing a “Coastal State” in case the situation turns against him and international pressure increases.

In an exclusive interview with the program “The Last Hour” on Al Arabiya channel on Tuesday, Khaddam said, “Assad spoke with one of his Lebanese minister friends and informed him that he would not make any concessions. If he is forced and the pressure on him increases, he will resort to igniting sectarian war in the country and will work to establish a state in the coastal region.”

Khaddam, who resides in the French capital, Paris, deemed the Syrian president unfit to rule the country, stating, “The one occupying the position of the president has in his mind the division and dismantling of the country.” He added that the ruling regime in Damascus benefits from “silence (internationally) and being given opportunities” to stay in power.

Khaddam called on the international community, especially Western powers, to take action through the Security Council “to take serious measures to protect the Syrian people, including military actions,” to compel the Syrian regime to stop the killings of the protesters.

Khaddam revealed that two teams within the Syrian opposition in the Syrian National Council support dialogue with the regime and aspire to participate in governance. This division within the opposition has led to splits within the group of opposition, now divided into two factions: one flexible towards the regime, and the other more radical, working to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s rule.


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