Former Syrian Vice President Abdul-Halim Khaddam announced today, Sunday, September 1, 2013, that he supports a military strike on his country to overthrow the regime.
In a message to the Syrian people received by United Press International, Khaddam, who is living in exile, urged Arab and foreign countries sympathetic to the Syrian people to use military force to bring down the regime and enable the Syrian people to achieve their aspirations and determine their destiny.
He added that a punitive strike that does not bring down the regime will increase the suffering of the Syrian people because Iran and Russia will continue to support it with all means of support. He said, “Our people are facing a great danger as they confront the Iranian-Russian alliance with the murderous regime.”
He added that when people face serious dangers, whether internal or external, they unify their ranks and energies in the face of threats to their homeland, the unity of their people, and their territory.
Washington and Western countries accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons last week in the suburbs of Damascus. President Barack Obama threatened a military strike against Syria in response to this attack. However, the Syrian government denied responsibility and accused the armed opposition of the act.