khaddam to Syrians: I call upon you to unify your efforts, utilize your energies, and set aside your differences because your strength lies in your unity

publisher: المرصد العربي

Publishing date: 2012-04-11


sons and daughters of Syria, both within the homeland and in diaspora,

To the freedom fighters for liberty, dignity, justice, and the right to self-determination, to the defenders of national unity and the unity of the people, I address you. My hope is to witness the flag of freedom fluttering in the skies of Syria and to see the Syrian people victorious over the regime of murder and corruption.

Your homeland, brothers and sisters, is facing a grave threat due to the approach followed by Bashar al-Assad, aimed at establishing a state in the coastal region encompassing the provinces of Latakia and Tartus, the city of Homs, parts of its province, in addition to parts of the countryside of Hama, southwest of Idlib province, connecting it to eastern Lebanon and its south.

These words were spoken by one of the high-ranking officers in front of one of the officials who defected from the regime.

I call upon you, Syrian brothers and sisters, to unify your efforts, utilize your energies, and set aside your differences, for your strength lies in your unity, while the regime’s strength lies in your division.

The homeland is in great danger. Let us not drown in Byzantine discussions that strengthen the regime and increase the peril upon the homeland.

Let each of us set aside our ideas and projects, and let our project be the struggle to protect the unity of the homeland and to work towards overthrowing the regime of tyranny. Otherwise, no one should dream that, acting alone or seizing power, they can save the homeland and liberate it from this regime. Let our slogan be the liberation of the homeland, a responsibility that lies on everyone’s shoulders.

Through this message, I address the Arab leaders, urging them to study the history of the fall of the Muslim Arabs in Al-Andalus and the history of the Palestinian cause, in order to realize the gravity of the situation, not only for Syria but for everyone.

Bashar al-Assad is implementing a project supported by Iran to eradicate the values and beliefs of the Syrian people, thus increasing Iran’s control over the region. Brothers, be assured that the victory of Bashar al-Assad will change all equations in the region, and Iran will become the dominant and ruling power. This can only be countered through a major war approaching a world war. Then, talking about the past or feeling bitter will be of no use, for the price of such a war will be high.

You have put forward several initiatives, all of which have failed due to Bashar al-Assad. You agreed to the initiative of Kofi Annan, the United Nations envoy, which, in addition to giving ample time, provided conditions for Bashar al-Assad to obstruct it.

We appeal to you, brothers, to work on forming an international military coalition to save the Syrian people because it is the last resort.

I also address the leaders of major countries that announced months ago the illegitimacy of the regime and called for Bashar al-Assad to step down but then hesitated, contemplating the danger of Iran’s control over Syria and its threat to the security and stability of the region. Through the facts, it becomes clear to you that the alliance between Iran and the Syrian regime excels in maneuvering and evading what is presented to them. They excel in utilizing opportunities to escape and maneuver. Therefore, I urge you to revisit the history of World War II and how the British and French governments sought to halt Nazi military activities against Austria and then Czechoslovakia, but all those efforts failed after the Nazi forces occupied Poland, leading to World War II.

For all these reasons, I say, as stated clearly on the website “Dunya Al-Watan,” that all political attempts to halt Iran’s strategy have reached a dead end. Therefore, I appeal to you to work on forming an international military coalition outside the United Nations, to avoid the use of the veto power by Russia and China. By doing so, you will save not only Syria but also the security, stability, and interests of the Middle East from this bloody alliance.

Brothers and sisters,

We have no other path but unity, resilience, and utilizing our energies and potentials in the struggle for survival between our people and a murderous regime. Let us all work towards achieving the zero hour to overthrow the regime, and trust that victory will be on the side of our people, and the flag of freedom will rise high in the skies of Syria


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