Letter from the Deputy Prime, Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syria addressed to the President of the Security Council regarding U.S Air Force bombardment

publisher: United Nations

Publishing date: 1983-12-04


Letter dated 4 December 1983 from the Deputy Prime, Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic addressed to the President of the Security Council

Damascus, 4 December 1983


I have the honor to convey to you the following:

As a further step towards military escalation, the United States Air Force bombarded our positions in northern Matmarea in Lebanon this morning, killing one soldier and wounding 10 others, some of them seriously.

These aggressive operations reveal clearly the goals of United States policy, and the plans and role of its forces in Lebanon and in the Mediterranean, in undermining the independence and territorial integrity of the States in the region, thus renouncing its special responsibility under the united Nations Charter, as a Permanent member of the Security Council, for peace and security. This air raid followed an Israeli raid yesterday against certain towns and villages in Lebanon, thus revealing once more the nature of United States-Israeli joint action agreed upon during Isaac Shamir’s recent visit to Washington, accompanied by his Minister of Defense.

These military actions by the United States and Israel constitute a serious development in the situation in the region , a threat to international peace and security and a transition to a new stage in United States policy in the region and the world, so that the region and the world will be faced with a grave and complex situation, which will have adverse effects on all peoples of the globe and their security.

In sending you this letter, which I wish to be circulated to Member States, I request you to take the appropriate measures to halt the hostile policies pursued by the United States of America in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Accept, sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


(Signed) Abdul-Halim KHADDAM

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister

for Foreign Affairs

of the Syrian Arab Republic



H.E. Ambassador Max Van Derstol President of the Security Council


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