Mr. Abdel Halim Khaddam’s message to the Syrians on the occasion of two years since our blessed revolution

publisher: المكتب الاعلامي للسيد عبد الحليم خدام

AUTHOR: عبد الحليم خدام

Publishing date: 2013-03-15


O sons of Syria, oh mujahideen in the path of God and the homeland,

Oh fighters for freedom, justice, and the right to self-determination,

In the two years of the revolution, more than a hundred thousand citizens have been martyred, and an equal number have fallen as wounded. Large parts of the country have been destroyed, in addition to several million refugees. These crimes were committed by the murderous regime led by the butcher Bashar al-Assad, which failed to break your determination and achieve victory over you. You remain steadfast, fighting to overthrow this regime and hold accountable all those who have committed crimes of murder, genocide, and destruction.

You have faced this regime and its allies, Iran and Russia, and you have recorded a bright history, creating a promising future for your people with your blood.

While you are subjected to the worst forms of murder and genocide, some countries have called for political dialogue with the murderous regime. What kind of dialogue is this, taking place between a tyrant who has spilled the blood of Syrians, displaced millions of them, and plunged the country into a difficult and complicated situation, and a people struggling for freedom and the right to self-determination, building a secure future for their children?

Political dialogue implies recognition of the legitimacy of the regime, and every dialogue between two parties requires concessions. Can the goals of the revolution be achieved through such a dialogue, in bringing down the regime and holding all those involved in acts of murder and genocide accountable?

O sons of Syria,

In your struggle against the murderous regime, you are not only defending your right to freedom and self-determination but also safeguarding the security and stability of Arab countries, especially in the Arab East. Today, you face Iran’s regional strategy and its goals of establishing a major state in the region that dominates from Lebanon to the borders of Afghanistan.

You are writing a new chapter in the history of Syria and the region.

We had hoped that the sisterly Arab countries, particularly those concerned with regional affairs and threatened by Iranian ambitions, would be your partners. What afflicts Damascus will affect the capitals of the sisterly nations. No matter how much those who seek to distance themselves from the Syrian issue try, the unity of destiny compels them to be partners with their people in Syria.

O sons of Syria,

You, the steadfast and resilient mujahideen, persevere, for God is with you, and He will grant you victory because you are the rightful owners of justice.

May the peace of God be upon you, and I ask Him, the Exalted, to envelop the martyrs of the Syrian people with His mercy.
