Salvation Front in a message to the youth of Syria: Oh, the hope of the people in building a future free from fear, injustice, poverty and deprivation.

publisher: جبهة الخلاص الوطني في سورية NSF

AUTHOR: عبد الحليم خدام

Publishing date: 2006-10-21


Oh, youth of Syria,

You are the hope of the people in building a future free from fear, injustice, poverty, and deprivation.

Those aspiring for a flourishing homeland, you are the bearers of its revival and its future.

Oh, youth who strived for knowledge, your parents toiled to provide you with education so you could build your future after many of your fathers were deprived by tyranny, injustice, and discrimination from achieving their aspirations.

You studied to acquire knowledge and skills, aiming for a better reality. However, you found barriers closing the doors of employment, only open to relatives of those in power or those willing to bribe.

Tens of thousands of you graduate annually from universities, institutes, and secondary schools, seeking employment only to encounter deprivation. Searching for ways to secure your future, you find nothing but the darkness of tyranny.

Look at the few relatives of the ruling family and their associates; observe how the system’s tyranny and corruption have crafted wealth for them, looted from the people and the state’s resources, transformed into investments in Dubai, London, Romania, and elsewhere.

The difference between you and that minority is that your fathers worked and struggled for you, while their fathers corrupted, oppressed, and pillaged state funds, contributing to and protected by the ruling power.

Look, oh youth, at how the majority of the Syrian people live in low living standards, amidst increasing poverty and unemployment. Witness how they plunder the country’s resources, while you live in deprivation, and they live in abundance.

Your responsibility, oh youth, is significant in building a secure and prosperous future. The future of nations is not built within the walls of fear and under the darkness of tyranny. Struggle to uproot the fear sown by the regime through oppression. Ignite the spark of liberation from injustice and corruption, illuminating the path for yourselves. Achieve freedom, justice, and equality for your people within a democratic system.

Look at what youth have done and are doing in other countries to save their homelands. They are no more patriotic or courageous than you are, nor do they have a greater sense of responsibility.

Oh youth,

Organize yourselves into groups, and let each of you take the initiative to organize your friends who share the vision and hope of building a homeland liberated from all forms of corruption and tyranny.

Express your opinions through publications, paste them on walls, and distribute them among the people. Utilize computers or typewriters to print these publications.

Expose the regime’s corruption, condemn its suppression of freedoms, and warn them that the day of accountability is near.

The regime has sown fear through oppression in the country, but it is the most fearful, and the most frightened are the tyrants because they realize that tyranny has an end, and the oppressors have an end, corruption has an end, and the corrupt have an end. As for the free and those fighting for the people’s freedom and dignity, for justice and equality, and for a democratic state where citizens are equal in rights and duties, abolishing all forms of isolation, exclusion, and ugly discrimination among citizens, these fighters are the makers of history.

Youth, be at the forefront of those working to uproot fear and raise the banner of salvation from a regime that has burdened the people with its corruption and tyranny.

The National Salvation Front in Syria
